Gauging Interest - Flatbed Equipment

Discussion in 'Trucker Forum Classifieds & Trading Post' started by jgrues, Dec 11, 2024.

  1. jgrues

    jgrues Bobtail Member

    Jul 21, 2019
    Looking to sell all of this equipment in one go. Just a couple photos at the moment. I won’t be home to unload and box it until next week. No shipping. Everything is two years used, as is, but functional.

    Asking $2,000 for everything. I’ll be in Springfield MO area next week. If no one picks it up there I’m driving to Greenville SC and will have it on board my four wheeler through Christmas. Would like to unload this by end of next week though somewhere between the two.

    - 10x 4foot coil lumber
    - 10x coil racks
    - 4-6x coil pads
    - 16 chains
    - 5 ratchet binders
    - 9 snap binders
    - 2 ratchet tool bars
    - 30ish edge protectors
    - 3 two inch straps and ratchets
    - 20ish 4 inch straps including 4 longer length
    - 6 moving blankets
    - Rand McNally TND 750 nearly new
    - Bunch of other misc gear and goodies. All yours.

    I’ll have it all organized in totes for you

    Attached Files:

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