well im going to take a beating when most read this but im goin to burns harbor indiana nov 5th to start my training for cr england i have read alot and done alot of homework and this is the fastest way to get my cdl and i need the exp. but i know it wont be that hard for me except leaving my wife and kids behind to try my hand at this, with the economy as crappy as it is this is the best option me and my wife came up with. i know the driving part will be a cake walk for me cause i grew up on a farm so i know how to drive anything from a 7 speed to a 13 speed. i have a class b right now and for those of you that are gonna tell me not to lease, well im going to and a friend of mine is gonna team up with me so we can make more money but any advice would be great i do have a plan b if this doesnt work out for me but im hoping it works out great for us all cause this is one of my dreams i enjoy driving big things and seeing the great views that are left in this world again any advice would be great
gettin my cdl thru cr england
Discussion in 'CR England' started by rednecktrucking, Oct 17, 2012.
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Well redneck, I got bn email today from CRE offering free tuition through a "partner" school with a 6 month commitment. Don't know if you were aware they were offering that. Good luck to you sir and enjoy the road!
yea i have talked to my recuiter about that but i have sumthing to attend at the end of the month that i get get out of which sucks because im ready to get this on the road as well as the guy thats going with me but he still has paper work to send in, i know that the lease option is goin to be hard for awhile but i think if i can make it thru years and years of hard labor and low pay on a hog/grain farm i think i maybe able to make to with this and thanks and im sure gonna try to enjoy it that is if everything goes as planned
well dont come crying in a few months. Ill be the first to say i told you so.
Joker85 Thanks this. -
How can leasing be the best thing for the family? Especially when you end up using your last dime on a payment, but it not being enough, and having to turn the truck in and walk away.
hey redneck, im at burns harbor right now. just passed the cdl permit test plus the indiana operator test. not gonna lie the first few days are tough. start doing the free cdl tests on the site and studying the manual. ill probly be leavin just before ya get here to head out on the road for phase 1
I totally agree. Leasing is no where near good for your family. If anything you'll end up getting a divorce, because you ll never be home cause you'll be negative and won't be able to support your wife and kids. But what do we know, we re all experienced drivers. We don't know any better.
Marky84 Thanks this. -
agreed, dont lease!
listen to the veterans they wouldnt steer ya wrong! -
+1 For the Don't Lease crowd..hell why goto CR England all together? Theres gotta be somewhere else that will take ya!
Don't do it, but if you do, good luckMarky84 Thanks this.
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