Gingavitis self treatment

Discussion in 'Driver Health' started by silent_philosophy, Mar 31, 2023.

  1. silent_philosophy

    silent_philosophy Light Load Member

    Mar 25, 2023
    I am not a frequent flyer at any medical office. Our species survived the last 100,000 years without proper medicine.....

    Anyway, we have books today, so why not just read what the docs read? (LibGen)

    I put OTC peroxide in my waterpik and clean below the gumline. It's knocking out my gingavitis that was flaring under 1 incisor that's been a priblem for a while. It spread to the 2 neighboring teeth. After less than a week the inflammation is reduced.

    Also 1-2 times daily I will brush with peroxide after a toothpaste brush. This doubly cleans my gums and my toothbrush.
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  3. silent_philosophy

    silent_philosophy Light Load Member

    Mar 25, 2023
    3% peroxide!

    I know some shoppes sell 15%. DO NOT USE 15%!
  4. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    Those sonic wave brushes are the real deal. Not cheap but work great.

    Yes we did survive for a long time before any modern medicine, we also ate real food we had to hunt and gather not a small mountain of refined sugar every day from a drive thru.
  5. silent_philosophy

    silent_philosophy Light Load Member

    Mar 25, 2023
    Yep. Stay away from truck stop food!

    Once a week I get some junk from a truck stop... and once a week I am disappointed... currently constipated after a TA burger :(
    viper822004 Thanks this.
  6. silent_philosophy

    silent_philosophy Light Load Member

    Mar 25, 2023
    Remember! Sanitation was the biggest positive change of life expectancy....
  7. Rubber duck kw

    Rubber duck kw Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2017
    Life is worth living longer when a 2am crap doesn't involve a hike to the outhouse through the snow to sit on a rough board and wipe with a corn cob? Who could've guessed?
    That's a joke, well mostly.
  8. silent_philosophy

    silent_philosophy Light Load Member

    Mar 25, 2023
    I thought you were describing the frozen Wisconsin rest area tonight. My copralite felt both frightened and paranoid. I almost worried it was a wasted journey to the frigid porcelain.
  9. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Sometimes it's worth it to see a professional. If you lose a tooth they're expensive to replace. If you don't replace the missing ones you'll lose a several more of them. Eventually the older you get with lots of missing teeth you won't be able to eat properly and will end up malnourished.
  10. silent_philosophy

    silent_philosophy Light Load Member

    Mar 25, 2023
    Bell Curve. It's hard to find what is considered professional. Last dentist I saw sat across the room after my checkup and asked if he wanted me to have him look at it or see a specialist.... I was left speechless that 'taking a look at' was not what he just did?

    Yeah, same as nutrition. Only bloodwork can tell you how your internal chemistry is going.

    In this case, it is minor inflammation. Gingavitis is not a concern if it responds to hygeine adjustments. It's like a runnig fever on your fingers. No doc required. As stated before, if you read the literature for the 'professionals' you dont need much from thr Paymasters.

    Also, missing teeth in the 1200s might lead to malnutrition. That is not the case in the Age of Electricity and home appliance and stove and canned food and vitamin......

    A knife or a crock pot or a juicer or a blender or a woman in the kitchen can solve the tooth problem.
  11. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Yeah well there's oral surgeons and all sorts of specialties dealing with teeth. He might have thought you wanted a second opinion on something, some people do? Infection in your teeth gets into your blood stream and affects your heart in a really bad way. Rotting teeth or gums is not something you want to let linger around and put off like it's no big deal. Teeth are important.

    There's old people in nursing homes wasting away that wished they still had their choppers. A little bit of prevention now will save you much worse problems later, sort of like maintaining a truck. I mean if somebody is ok with eating mush or baby food because they let their teeth fall out, have at it, me personally I'd rather enjoy my meals.
    silent_philosophy and gokiddogo Thank this.
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