I can't find any reviews in the company just wondering if anyone knows the scoop on the company
Has anyone heard about tradition transportation
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by flo3817, Jan 27, 2017.
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If this is them, it's probably because they are sooooo small,
Company Overview
TRADITIONAL TRANSPORTATION SERVICE LLC is an active carrier operating under USDOT Number 1103757 and MC Number 455047.
Total Trucks 3
Tractors Owned 1
Trailer Owned 0
Total Drivers 3
USDOT 1103757
MC NUMBER 455047
MCS-150 Mileage Year 2013
MCS-150 Date 16-Oct-2014
MCS-150 Mileage 289640
Carrier Operation Interstate
If your talking about the one in Angola/Fort Wayne they are a rebirth of Evans eqpt. of Butler In. They even have the same ICC number. Evans went bankrupt and sold out to Celadon. Members of the Evans family were given high up jobs at Celadon before starting Tradition. They are up to about 80 trucks now. They push their lease purchase program under the name Tradition leasing services which has a Carmel(Indy) In. address. The trucks are from Quality leasing with the same outrageous prices.Example 2016 Lonestar $695 a week for 72 months $65000 balloon. They promise you a dedicated run with good money when they hire you but by the end of the first day of orientation you be told you'll only run that lane occasionally and there are no dedicated lanes there. You'll also find out the money promised isn't what they tell you at hire. They also require a smart phone for paperwork scanning with no rembersiment. They also dispatch via e mail even though they have Quallcom. As far as LP and 0/0 they pay 80%line haul and only 80% of fuel surcharge. When I asked why only 80% on fuel they said it's easier to billing that way. Really? They charge $100 a week trailer rent for trailers that are someone else's used junk. You are only allowed to fuel at Loves and get your truck serviced at Speedco no exeptions. They told me at hire no forced dispatch yet another lie. They go into NYC and out to LI. Also curious their mailing address is Indianapolis. To sum it up every thing I was told at hire was turned 180 degrees by the end of the first day of orientation and suspect they are tied to Celadon behind the scenes. This is my observation so make your own decision but after 30 years in this business I would tell people to look elsewhere.
jeff18, smirkyboy, dukeofearl and 3 others Thank this. -
Stay away from this company. Started working here in October 2016 and averaged about 1200/wk take home under their lease purchase program until the week before Christmas. Since then, we have only had three paychecks, all under $800. The only freight they have is low paying, high mileage. They won't listen when you tell them what you need, you'll sit all weekend every weekend because the office is closed, and they'll send you a good load then cancel it. I will be leaving here next week. They are down to 22 trucks as of the end February, because everyone is quitting.
Does anybody knows if the company changed since the last review. i got a call from a recruiter on Monday the 3rd and offered me a job told me about the lanes they run and benefits they said it kicks in after 30 days of employment home every other weekend home and told me the start pay is 44 cpm does anyone work there??? Please reply bay
You going as a company driver?
Update: i started working here since July 5 2017 this whole time i made like 300 take home I'm going to return the truck first thing tomorrow morning this company is a joke.
NOTE: please don't come here you will waste your time and if you have family you will starveJames j Thanks this.
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