Help with installing an inverter?

Discussion in 'International Forum' started by YellowShirtBlackPants, Nov 22, 2024.

  1. YellowShirtBlackPants

    YellowShirtBlackPants Bobtail Member

    Nov 22, 2024
    IMG_3935.jpeg Hey everyone, hope this is the right forum.

    I have a 2022 International. The guy who had it before me had an inverter set up and working, but when he removed it, he told me he would leave the wires. Well he couldn’t get the wires off correctly, so he cut them. So, I currently have a black wire and a separate red wire thick wire coming from the battery, birth with live, frayed ends.

    The guy also told me to make sure I buy a 300amp Circuit Breaker from Amazon for $15.

    How exactly do I hook this up? How do I learn the wire that are attached to the battery? The only wires that came with the inverter are way less thick, so I assume I can’t use those. Do I need to buy the circuit breaker? How does it get set up exactly?

    thanks for any advice.

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  3. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Don't mean to be an **** but I would have told him the inverter goes with the truck.

    That said, let's start with this - what inverter are you installing in the truck?

    If you haven't gotten it yet, spend the money and buy a really good pure sinewave inverter. Size it to your actual needs plus at least 10%.

    Now about the cabling, get good cables, I would measure what you need and order them from a cable maker, like <<<<< I have not used them but they were recommended, so tell us how they are to work with.

    Make sure you know what ends you need on the cable and order at least 00 gauge wire. Talk to the maker about all of it, they sell a lot of them.

    About the circuit breaker, you need one but I would get a mega fuse and holder and place it at the Batteries, nowhere else. You need it at the batteries to prevent a complete meltdown and a fire. You can put a second circuit breaker somewhere near or at the inverter. But you need one at the batteries no matter what.

    Megafuse and holders are under $30, get a few extra fuses too.
    AModelCat, beastr123 and Heavyd Thank this.
  4. Inderjit

    Inderjit Heavy Load Member

    Sep 17, 2017
    Are you purchasing a new inverter? if so it will come with installation instructions. If you have a used inverter visit the manufacturers website for the manual. The breaker is a very good idea. The inverter manufacturer will tell you what amperage breaker you need. Get new cables made for it.
  5. YellowShirtBlackPants

    YellowShirtBlackPants Bobtail Member

    Nov 22, 2024
    I have bought an inverter.
    I got it for 73% off brand new so it’s not a pure sine wave from my knowledge, but I couldn’t pass up a deal like that. Linked here.

    the guy before me owned the inverter and cables and everything so he took it with him.

    I’m not skilled at wiring anything, so I don’t know how to go about dealing with the wires that are currently attached. I figured I could just “tape, attach, bind, solder, whatever” the old ones and a new ones I would buy together, that way I don’t have to directly reattach anything to the battery.

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  6. 062

    062 Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2013
    You’re probably better off getting a car stereo shop to do the install or at least make the power cables for you.
    tscottme and Heavyd Thank this.
  7. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Don't use that one, you don't want a modified sinewave inverter.

    Here is the one I've been buying for different non-critical projects -

    2000W Pure Sine Wave Power Inverter DC 12V to 110V 120V AC with 4 Quick Charging USB Ports& 3 AC Outlets Power Inverters for Vehicles RV Truck Home with LCD Display and Remote Controller

    It works well, I have had one failure out of 20 units and they were very good to get it replaced. The reason I use this one is because it does work with my UPS units for my workstations, which are very very finicky about the quality of power they are being fed.

    I would also read the quote below, I agree with 062 and would buy what I told you to buy before going to an installer.

  8. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    You seriously need a professional to install everything. If you make a mistake it will EASILY burn down the whole truck. You should only use a pure sinewave inverter if you are going to recharge anything with rechargeable batteries or you are going to shorten the life of those batteries or the device because of the inverter. If you are just going to power an appliance like a microwave, coffee maker then you don't have to have pure sinewave.

    If you do this with no experience there is a good chance you will wake up to your truck on fire.
    Heavyd Thanks this.
  9. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    Inline fuse on the positive right at the battery post or as close as possible. The fuse only protects what's after it, not before it.

    Its not difficult to make cables. I normally solder and crimp the ends, then cover the crimp with a good shrink tube that has sealer in it. I will even go as far as to cover cables in split loom.

    Routing is very important, ESPECIALLY for the positive cable. Poor routing can cause parts to rub through the insulation on the cable and cause a short to ground or a short to another circuit on the truck. If the cable can vibrate/move, then it can chaff and wear.
  10. Trish383

    Trish383 Bobtail Member

    Apr 16, 2024
    Why if I can do it, a girl!!! Lol he can too, you can do it
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