How do you handle sick days?

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by CalculatedRisk, Mar 27, 2023.

  1. Dna Mach

    Dna Mach Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    Never had more than a cold, massive allergies, and one time the flu on the road. I work Monday through Friday and can take off as needed once I’m home so I’m able to push through.

    Went to a clinic in Cleveland once for a random drug screen. Place was packed on a cold rainy miserable Saturday morning. The swine flu was going around at the time. I caught it, could almost feel it immediately. Took my load to Newman Georgia and thought I was gonna die. Delivered the load pulled forward and parked for about 12 hours. Only time in my life I ever felt like death, felt like my insides were cooking. The uncontrolled urge to cough was met with immense chest pain. Started heading home to Dallas and felt brand new the next morning. I’ll never forget that illness and this was back around 2008.
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