Indian River Transport- The journey begins

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Deadhead75, Jun 13, 2014.

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  1. Deadhead75

    Deadhead75 Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    Axis, Al
    I just started with Indian River Transport today. The people seemed nice. There were no surprises. I know about the wait times with these guys loading and unloading but I still found some drivers that were happy. I figured I would give it a try.
    I was given a 2014 freightliner with only 60k miles on it. Its a very nice truck.
    I am sitting here at TG Lee in Orlando waiting on my first load. The load is going to Murray KY.
    I have pulled tanks hauling chemicals just never food grade. This is going to be a new adventure.
    I have been on this forum before just thought I would come on here and tell you how my journey with Indian River goes.
    Maybe I should go take a nap it might be a while on this load. Thats fine it doesn't deliver until 21:00 Sunday in Murray KY.
    I will give you good and bad as it happens.
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  3. cabwrecker

    cabwrecker The clutch wrecker

    Mar 23, 2012
    Was interested in these guys a while ago. We have a lot of OTR tanker companies in/around Cleveland so, I'm considering a few of them; they can get my better home time and pay/benefits.
    Indian river never fell off my radar, but they did drop a notch or two once I dug around my home town.

    Keep us updated.
    Deadhead75 Thanks this.
  4. Puppage

    Puppage Road Train Member

    Aug 2, 2012
    Best of luck. I hope it's everything and more than you think.
    Deadhead75 Thanks this.
  5. Deadhead75

    Deadhead75 Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    Axis, Al
    Thanks Puppage!
    Cabwrecker I will update everything as it happens. Good and bad.
  6. kingcraby

    kingcraby Bobtail Member

    May 20, 2014
    they used to pay very cheap..i hope thats no the case nowdays
  7. PuritanProwess

    PuritanProwess Bobtail Member

    Apr 10, 2009
    Crimea River
    Been looking into them as well. .37/mile. Told me that most drivers average around 3k miles a week.

    (Yes, I've been posting elsewhere asking questions about this and that. Reason for this is that I want to get out of gas hauling. Been doing it for two years and I'd like to have a better chance at extending my life expectancy. Sorry for the digression.)
    Leftnut Thanks this.
  8. Deadhead75

    Deadhead75 Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    Axis, Al
    I dropped my load in Murray Ky and picked up an already clean empty trailer, so no trip to the tank wash.
    My next load I am deadheading 450 miles to pick up a load that goes 158 miles. I dont care thats fine with me. Its .37 loaded and empty. Picking up unpasteurized milk in Montpelier Oh going to Coopersville, Mi. Then I am already pre planned to pick up in Coopersville, Mi at the same place I am delivering to, going back to Murray Ky.
    So far so good.
    Puppage, hal380 and xlsdraw Thank this.
  9. Orange713

    Orange713 Medium Load Member

    Sep 14, 2013
    Houston, tx
  10. Deadhead75

    Deadhead75 Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    Axis, Al
    They use paper and elogs. I chose elogs. I have been using them for a while and I am able to make plenty of miles and I have never been a neat person with my logs. I like elogs more than paper.
    Blowflyrip Thanks this.
  11. 123456

    123456 Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2010
    That 37 cpm,

    is that practical miles ?

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