Some accounts want twic card and Canadian access but I'm unable to obtain so it's not required.
Solo drivers stay east of I35,teams run everything west of I 35.
Info on Transport America
Discussion in 'Transport America' started by redeye18, Oct 27, 2016.
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Per diem is available but not required,pay each week direct deposit,$105 cash advance available to driver each week on fuel card.
born&raisedintheusa Thanks this. -
Safety Dept sucks though,expect to get hassled every time you set off stability control at 15-30 mph.I don't take any crap as a driver,Ive told safety what I think about their bs,threatening to bring me in for retraining...I just laughed.
TA has really gone down hill in the last year or so.
I drove for them from 2010 to 2015 and loved it there. i left for a year and came back in Jan 2017. It seems like the new Eagan Safety Director (Dean) wont believe a driver at all and automatically believes the four wheelers side of the story. Everything else seemed to be good except an occasional waiting for empty trailers. They are owned by a canadian company and also partnered with other companies. They have lost the small company feel and now lost in the giant conglomerates.born&raisedintheusa Thanks this. -
Yeah. I worked there a year as an O/O. until a month ago. That place is a joke. In debt mo fo's, broke-dick terminals closed like Janesville WI
RollsOverEveryHillLast and Steel Dragon Thank this. -
Yeah I'm currently with them, not sure how much longer. I was out of Janesville, it closed. Now I'm out if Eagan. That Dean guy is a good man but he goes by the books. ####ing annoying how hard we're micromanaged. Won't long now until this rat jumps this sinking ship. They're genuinely a pretty poor company. I reckon they're going to eventually close their doors and transfer assets to CFI, sister company ; also owned by transforce .born&raisedintheusa Thanks this. -
God bless every American and their families! God bless the U.S.A.!Need4Speed Thanks this. -
I’ve seen a lot of TA’s pulling Fedex Freight sets of doubles is this some sort of new account?
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