Interested in Crude

Discussion in 'Oilfield Trucking Forum' started by MockOverdrive, Jan 3, 2025.

  1. MockOverdrive

    MockOverdrive Bobtail Member

    Jul 1, 2019
    I'm interested in hauling Crude Oil or Oversize Tanker in West Texas: Odessa, Midland, Big Spring, Sweetwater, Pecos etc... I have 6 years OTR exp, 3 years Hazmat Tanker experience, 2 years flat/OD, but 0 years Crude Experience. I am Owner Operator with my own truck, 2016 Peterbilt Midroof but no pump, wet kit, or HIT. Struggling to find a company to lease on with. (they all want prior crude exp) I also don't have my own trailer. And I travel with 2 pets. I live in Alabama but want to move to Texas. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance :cool:
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  3. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    MockOverdrive Thanks this.
  4. Lazer

    Lazer Road Train Member

    Jan 22, 2017
    If your tractor is paid for, park it, hire on as a company driver, driver their truck to learn the trade and if you would be comfortable putting your tractor thru that kind of abuse.
    taodnt, RockinChair, scythe08 and 2 others Thank this.
  5. MockOverdrive

    MockOverdrive Bobtail Member

    Jul 1, 2019
    i hear ya. Probably needs more time to improve.

    That's a good idea ;) and truck abuse has been on the back of my mind, all that sand and dust will inevitably penetrate every orifice of the truck wearing out joints, wind basically sandblasting all the paint off, very heavy loads causing engine to cook it's own fluids and spring leaks everywhere, and let's not forget tanker surge slamming the trailer into truck destroying entire drive train. :eek: I might be better off putting a friend in my Petercar to run OTR and get my 01' Freightshaker Rust-bucket running to oilfield.
    James j Thanks this.
  6. FLHT

    FLHT Road Train Member

    Aug 2, 2014
    Lease roads alone will kill your truck.
    RockinChair and MockOverdrive Thank this.
  7. RockinChair

    RockinChair Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    CC, TX
    I agree with @Lazer and @FLHT . Hire on with a first purchaser (Enteprise, Sunoco, et al), at least until you learn the ropes. After that if you really want to use your own truck, depending on the carrier, you'll need a wet kit that can drive a trailer-mounted pump or a shaft-driven truck-mounted pump and you'll run the transfer hose out from under/behind your fifth wheel and store the loading hose across your catwalk. If the centrifuge is mounted on the trailer you'll need an extra pigtail to power it, otherwise you'll need a toolbox on your truck that can hold the centrifuge and gauger's tray, as well as a small tank for the solvent.

    But I'm not aware of any operators who allow pets on their locations. Even the gaugers can't usually get away with having their own dogs on location.
    Texasgordo and MockOverdrive Thank this.
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