If you're Grossing $1,600 a week as a Company Driver, you'd be out of your mind to ever Lease with anyone, anytime. Especially being Home everyday. You dear Sir are the prime example of why there is no reason to Lease. You make a bit more than I even do as a Company Driver and I am always telling these Guys that Lease they are wasting their time doing so, as there is not much money in it.
Interstate distributor Freedom board anybody making money
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by shawnbfromjersey, Apr 7, 2016.
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Trucking Jobs in 30 seconds
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Lucky you.viper822004 Thanks this. -
Would one of you currently running for Interstate be willing to share how freight looks going to or thru San Antonio, TX?
viper822004 Thanks this. -
MicksRule Thanks this.
RStewart Thanks this.
A friend of mine that lives in Maryland has a sweet setup. A team run from just outside the belt line to Ontario, CA and back. Leaves Monday and back Friday. Makes about 110k a year. Been doing it for about 4 or 5 years now. He won't even consider leaving it unless the account gets shut down. If I lived there, I'd give up my truck in a heart beat. They are always looking for drivers on that account for various runs.viper822004 Thanks this. -
Grab a loaded trailer in Louisville on Saturday afternoon, drop in Laredo, pick up two easy stops in Brownsville, drop the trailer in Louisville about noon Thursday.
Super easy, big money
Then we lost it.
Now I'm busting my nuts for a lot less money with a different company.
Suicide has become a viable option.
I searched hard two months for a good job
Nothing but crap
I settled for crap
Pass the whiskey
*Spits*viper822004 Thanks this. -
Trucking Jobs in 30 seconds
Every month 400 people find a job with the help of TruckersReport.
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