IRT Indian River Transport $1500 BONUS

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by truckerjosh2011, Dec 15, 2014.

  1. truckerjosh2011

    truckerjosh2011 Bobtail Member

    Mar 28, 2014
    Just finished day 1 of IRT orientation. So far I'm happy with the way they don't waist time getting you the info you need, road test, physical, paperwork, bennifits, videos all done and still got outta there by 1600. Was pleased to learn the bonus is still going on. 750/30-750/90 works for me. Not sure what trucks they will offer. Have seen a lot of Pete 579 on the road but there's a mixture of all sorts in Winter Haven terminal so there's no telling......I'm still gonna ask for the 579 though. All they can say is no. The FL are nice too, shifts good. The Internationals I saw looked worn out but heard they pull good. Not so much concerned about how they pull just wanna be comfortable if I'm gonna be out 3-4 was at a time. All have fridges due to tank samples that need to go to customers. So far I like it, ready to get my dispatch and get moving.
    Yeshua lives Thanks this.
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  3. stabob

    stabob Heavy Load Member

    May 25, 2011
    Sebring Fl
    Ohh don't worry they'll be wasting a LOT of your time before you know it.
  4. truckerjosh2011

    truckerjosh2011 Bobtail Member

    Mar 28, 2014
    That's what I've heard from ex drivers and read some on here even drivers I talked to here but as long as the miles are there I'm not really bothered by it.
  5. RogerThat72

    RogerThat72 Road Train Member

    Jan 30, 2014
    Wait till they clip your hair and guys disappear faster then a job offer to a welfare rat
    Ditch Doctor Thanks this.
  6. truckerjosh2011

    truckerjosh2011 Bobtail Member

    Mar 28, 2014
    Have you driven for them or a current driver?
  7. stabob

    stabob Heavy Load Member

    May 25, 2011
    Sebring Fl
    I'm a former driver with a some what good friend that is still employed there.
  8. stabob

    stabob Heavy Load Member

    May 25, 2011
    Sebring Fl
    You can lose a lot of miles when your stuck for a day or more with out pay to unload. If you have no life its probably a great gig.
  9. RogerThat72

    RogerThat72 Road Train Member

    Jan 30, 2014
    Nope, but I've done enough research to realize you could possibly lose out on 1-350 dollars a week because of unload times, and sitting around to get loaded. I also have no idea if they hair follicle test lol I just like getting people's heart racing by making jokes.

    i actually was turned down from IRT, but I got my DAC fixed and she called me 6 days in a row leaving messages to schedule an orientation. So that right there was another flag that they need drivers. I will say those 579 Pete's are very nice but a nice truck doesn't pay the bills. Miles, detention, and other pay options do.

    Wish ah you the best of luck keep us updated on your day to day experience!
  10. truckerjosh2011

    truckerjosh2011 Bobtail Member

    Mar 28, 2014
    Well the common thing said among drivers is it don't happen all the time but it can happen. I can't imagine it being any different than any other trucking company out there. Sat in a door for dot foods for 28 hours with regular 4-6 hour wait times still made money so I think if your a runner and don't complain about EVERYTHING they will take care of you. Gotta suck it up sometimes!
    Yeshua lives Thanks this.
  11. truckerjosh2011

    truckerjosh2011 Bobtail Member

    Mar 28, 2014

    So you wanted to drive with them after you did the research, they turned you down initially and now they are a crap company??? I don't get it. Did physical today, no hair test but if a person feels nervous about a hair test in the first place maybe they shouldn't be driving truck. Flipping tricks on the corner might be better suited for that person. I worked for good, I've worked for bad. I think it's about finding a company that fits the driver and a driver that fits the company.

    Did you ever think that maybe they called you back because you obviously showed interest in them and they wanted to work with you despite your DAC?? LOL I have yet to talk to a trucking company that's NOT looking for drivers.
    kiwi23, Leftnut and Chinatown Thank this.
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