Is it time for rebuild?

Discussion in 'Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum' started by FREDthaCEO, Dec 4, 2024.

  1. FREDthaCEO

    FREDthaCEO Bobtail Member

    Mar 6, 2021
    I have a 07 freightliner Columbia with a c15 accert in it.. I Have 1.4 mil on the dash, my issue is I am getting a good bit of blowby my truck still runs and pulls load just fine not sluggish at all I’m not losing a gallon of oil every day it last me all the way till the next oil change with that many miles I just change my oil about every 2 months.. now I did have a little blowby before but it seems like it’s more than what it was before.
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  3. Big Road Skateboard

    Big Road Skateboard Road Train Member

    May 2, 2021
    I would verify that the blowby you see is not actually water vapor. Stick your finger up the bottom of the blowby hose or tube and you'll see for sure.

    If not, definitely prepare for an overhaul, but oil consumption is a better gauge than blowby IMO.

    An oil sample would help, but without a baseline to compare to, the info wouldn't do you much good now.
    Oxbow and Rideandrepair Thank this.
  4. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Op, that’s not blowby, put the truck on a dyno to check the blowby and see what the actual blowby is. It is measured under a full load, not looking at the draft tube for vapor.

    Do an OA, it will tell you what’s in the oil … you should have been doing that since you bought the truck.
  5. Diesel Dave

    Diesel Dave Last Few of the OUTLAWS

    Jan 20, 2010
    Hesperia, Ca.
    If it’s not using g coolant or oil, I would run it. My former Cat had some blow by when I used the newer oils, so I went to using a different brand, Conoco Phillips GUARDAL was the brand if I remember correctly.
    AModelCat and Oxbow Thank this.
  6. Goodysnap

    Goodysnap Road Train Member

    Jul 12, 2017
    Pretty common to see a CAT chuffing out the tube when hot due to open Crankcase. Get worried if it starts dripping or leaving a puddle.

    Run it….
    Diesel Dave, BoostedTeg and Oxbow Thank this.
  7. Iamoverit

    Iamoverit Road Train Member

    Oct 31, 2023
    Sounds pretty normal to me even if the tube is oil soaked.
    BoostedTeg and Oxbow Thank this.
  8. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    If that mileage is accurate and the engine hasn't been touched yet I'd start putting money away for an overhaul.
    Jordonh and Diesel Dave Thank this.
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