Jacko Logistics?

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by torque785, Jan 18, 2025.

  1. torque785

    torque785 Bobtail Member

    Jun 1, 2019
    Any Jacko Logistics drivers here? Have some time to answer a few questions?

    Work Environment
    1. What is the company culture like? Do they treat drivers with respect?
    2. How supportive is the dispatch team? Are they easy to work with?
    Pay and Benefits
    1. How is the pay structured (e.g., hourly, per mile, percentage)?
    2. Are there opportunities for bonuses or raises?
    3. What benefits does the company offer (health insurance, retirement plans, etc.)?
    4. How consistent is the paycheck? Are there fluctuations in miles or paychecks?
    Equipment and Maintenance
    1. What type of trucks and equipment does the company provide?
    2. How well does the company maintain their vehicles?
    3. If you encounter mechanical issues, how quickly are they addressed?
    Scheduling and Home Time
    1. How flexible is the scheduling?
    2. How often do you get home? Does the company respect those requests?
    3. Are you required to take weekend or holiday shifts?
    Routes and Freight
    1. What kind of freight does the company haul?
    2. Are the routes consistent, or do they vary?
    3. Do you get to choose your loads, or are they assigned?
    Company Policies
    1. How strict is the company on hours of service (HOS) compliance?
    2. What is their policy on forced dispatch?
    3. Does the company offer opportunities for career advancement, like becoming an owner-operator or trainer?
    Support and Resources
    1. Does the company provide any resources for drivers on the road, like fuel cards, lodging discounts, or legal assistance?
    Overall Satisfaction
    1. What’s your favorite thing about working for this company?
    2. What’s the most frustrating part of the job?
    3. Would you recommend this company to other drivers? Why or why not?
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  3. Rugerfan

    Rugerfan Road Train Member

    May 3, 2011
    Are you talking about Jacko out of Vancouver? All seem like simple things to get answered by a recruiter. They are an OTR company so fuel cards would be a given. Weekends and holidays would also be mandatory I’d imagine. Probably have either thanksgiving or Christmas off if I had to guess
  4. torque785

    torque785 Bobtail Member

    Jun 1, 2019
    You trust recruiters?

    A generic list I know, but I like the idea of being able to cross reference between recruiter and driver regardless.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2025
    Lonesome Thanks this.
  5. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    Some recruiters are trust worthy of they're straight shooters, like the ones where I work. Many recruiters aren't any more trustworthy than drivers, and how many drivers will say whatever it takes to get you to sign on, just so they get that recruitment bonus? I'd dare say drivers are worse than recruiters.

    My question to you is, what are the 3 most important things to you in looking for a company? There isn't a single company that will check every last one of those boxes in your initial post.
    Lonesome and Rugerfan Thank this.
  6. Rugerfan

    Rugerfan Road Train Member

    May 3, 2011
    So then I’d guess that they will fire you for multiple HOS violations, its most likely forced dispatch, lodging assistance is called a sleeper unless a breakdown. Then I’d imagine they pay for a hotel.
  7. torque785

    torque785 Bobtail Member

    Jun 1, 2019
    Honesty, honesty and....you guessed it, honesty!

    Do you work for Jacko?

    Oh, I'm not looking to have any boxes checked. Just a few questions answered. Not that big of a deal.
    Knucklehead Thanks this.
  8. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    I don't work for Jacko....don't really see them much unless I run west, so I'm guessing they run 11 western. I like that they run Volvos lol...
  9. NorthEastTrucker

    NorthEastTrucker Heavy Load Member

    Sep 21, 2019
  10. Lonesome

    Lonesome Mr. Sarcasm

    Dec 15, 2007
    Northern Indiana
    Just the name would make me think twice.....
    bryan21384, torque785 and Rugerfan Thank this.
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