Jobs Available

Discussion in 'Trucking Jobs' started by cpape, Jul 15, 2010.

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  1. cpape

    cpape Desk Jockey

    Jul 15, 2010
    Dubuque, IA
    Do any of you consider working for smaller companies? I have 40 of the best drivers in the country and would like to add some more. One of my drivers was the 2007 Company Driver of the year for the TCA. We just upgraded our trucks from Freightliners to Petes. My top driver will make $65K this year and be home every weekend. Weekend meaning between 36-48 hours. It seems to me like we have a pretty good program for drivers, yet we face the same shortage as everyone else. Why is that? Don't you want to make 40+ cpm? PS--I am an owner of the company & a it always comes straight from the horses mouth.

    Art Pape Transfer, Inc.
    1080 E 12th St
    Dubuque, IA 52001
    563 588 3646
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  3. motomack

    motomack Light Load Member

    Jun 27, 2010
    Rock Hill, SC
    I would be interested but would you hire recent graduate students and where are you based out of? What is the name of your company? I live in SC would I get home weekends? If you would like to email me the address is Thanks Mike
  4. milskired

    milskired Road Train Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    Plainfield, IL
    I am very interested also. I am about to get out of the service in about 2 months. I have been out of a truck for 4 years but I am in a CDL/Refresher course right now. I am going to be moving out to NC when I get out. If your interested my email is
  5. cycloguy

    cycloguy Light Load Member

    Jul 8, 2010
    Jax, FL
    well whats the catch???
  6. Jumbo

    Jumbo Road Train Member

    Sep 4, 2009
    Appleton, Wisconsin
    I think he represents Art Pape Transfer out of Dubuque, Iowa. His website is I have talked to one of their drivers before and that guy seemed happy but, I have never worked for them. It says they pay by Rand McNally Household Miles.
  7. GuysLady

    GuysLady Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Jun 20, 2007
    The eye of the storm....
    Alot of these "smaller" companies are alot better than "Big Boys", and there is no 'catch'. My husband works for one of the smaller companies here in the Central Valley, and I wouldn't change it for anything... and there is no catch!
    Lilbit Thanks this.
  8. Snowpaw

    Snowpaw Bobtail Member

    Jul 16, 2010
    Dallas, TX
    Im looking for just this sort of thing...but I live in Dallas:) Just to add then...yeah I dont think there is a catch. Ive been reading forums looking for a company to move to, but Ive worked for a couple really good companies and made good money doing it...and had reasonable time on the road vs home time too.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2010
  9. motomack

    motomack Light Load Member

    Jun 27, 2010
    Rock Hill, SC
    Could you let me know where I can go to find these smaller companies? Also will they consider hiring a newbie? Thanks
  10. thelastamericanhippy

    thelastamericanhippy Road Train Member

    Jul 10, 2010
    jacksonville, fl
    You drivers may want to check a companys safety record.....................
  11. GuysLady

    GuysLady Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Jun 20, 2007
    The eye of the storm....
    motomack, I'll tell you how we found the company my hubby is with now.. we grabbed our local phone book, and looked up trucking companies, and called every single one in the book. He turned in applications at every single one that was accepting applications, and when these guys called, he took it.

    He's actaully left this company twice now, when ag frieght dropped off, and thought he was headed for greener pastures. That's a good joke. Greener pastures than this company don't really exist.

    Right now, my husband is bring home between $700-900 a week, drives a BRAND NEW truck, is home every weekend, and works for a guy who knows who he is, who knows who I am, and knows the kids!

    My husband's dispatcher is one of the coolest. He drove truck for 20 years before he decided to try his hand at being a desk jockey, and he does a #### good job. He is very considerate of his drivers.

    Yeah, these smaller companies can very much be worth it.
    charlene2000 Thanks this.
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