Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by TruckerPete1990, Apr 11, 2019.

  1. TruckerPete1990

    TruckerPete1990 Road Train Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Bentonville Arkansas
    Started with a new company here. Gonna be keeping this updated.

    I'm working as a power only for $1.43 + FSC for the Tyson foods account. We only pull Tyson trailers in the midwest.

    Lets start off with the Basic stuff

    This is a POWER ONLY company. They have more accounts then Tyson but i can only speak on the Tyson account. For orientation they pay you .83 a mile to bobtail to Clarksville AR. They put you up in a Very nice hotel and they feed you 3 meals a day. You will eat at the hotel. around 11-1130 they take you to the dinner inside the truck stop. For dinner they take you to a sports bar and grill. You can order what ever you want(I did not go as i wasn't feel the best).
    Orientation is only 2 days Tuesday & Weds. Starts at 9am and both days it went to just a little after noon. Depends on how many people have questions.
    They will require you to get a Smartdrive camera installed(They pay for it) this is a forward facing only with no audio. They will also install omnitracs(Free no month fee) You must return it once u quit. While you are there they will send ur truck to the shop next door and they will do a DOT inspection at there cost. You must be 2 a year. They pay for one you pay for one. No trailer fee's. This is FORCED dispatch but it can be a great gig if you live in the midwest area you could be home every weekend if you choose.
    Insurance on my truck is about $250 a month(60k). If you run there plates thats $150 a month. They have a ESCROW of $500 they take out within first 5 weeks at $100 a week. You get 2 comdata cards. One for truck fuel(taken out of settlements weekly) 1 for reefer fuel(You don't pay for this). They pay all Scales and tolls just send in the receipts.

    Lets talk truck insurance. If you can get Truck insurance for around the same price i would do so. The Deducible sucks its a $2500(They are working on this)
    The people down in clarksville Ar are very great. They are very friendly if you have a question just ask em.
    Fuel discounts seem to be the best at Flying J right around .30-.40 cents off.
    We are paid ALL miles DH & loaded. AVG is about 20% deadhead. You are paid the same loaded and empty pay doesn't change.
    They will keep you preplanned. The AVG is about 2600 miles a week depending on when u wanna go home.
    You are paid every friday at 7AM onto ur comdata card.

    First 3 days looking like im gross $2200 at around 1,238 miles(with FSC i think its 1.73?)

    will keep this updated every week. Any questions feel free to ask and ill do my best to answer or find the answer for you.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2019
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  3. I glide 47

    I glide 47 Road Train Member

    Jun 3, 2017
    Good luck I'll be watching your progress,!
  4. tnevin225

    tnevin225 Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2014
    Sound like a good sound company, I worked for Tyson for 5 yrs. The wait thing get kinda old sometimes but its to be expected. Good Luck
    Intothesunset and TruckerPete1990 Thank this.
  5. TruckerPete1990

    TruckerPete1990 Road Train Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Bentonville Arkansas
    Yeah i worked for Tyson for 2 years. The good side is ill get paid for waiting. $30 an hour after my appoint time and $400 if im waiting 24 hours
    Intothesunset Thanks this.
  6. just watch out yeah the Champaign home base or Atlanta?? you working for Drake refrigerated k l breeden all the same company now..
    they're not the family company they once were about twenty years ago but pretty much any place is interchangeable anymore you have to carve out your own nitche and see if ya fit
    Intothesunset Thanks this.
  7. TruckerPete1990

    TruckerPete1990 Road Train Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Bentonville Arkansas
    I Know nothing about Drake refrigerated i don't deal with anyone outside of the clarksville ar office. So i can't really speak on any of the other accounts they have. I know they have accounts all over but im only on the tyson account out of AR
  8. yep so basically just like Drake refrigerated lines and Clarksville refrigerated lines of yesterday it's all on by K L breeden hauling groceries so you're out of Clarksville you're basically working what was for once called Clarksville refrigerated truck lines probably got a green logo.. Drake refrigerated has a maroon colored logo..in KL breeden home base colors have a blue logo they're all the same design they're just basically different colors..hopefully they treat you good on the Tyson account there's a bunch of guys working for breeding out of Atlanta hauling Aldi groceries that are not doing too bad but you just have to watch yourself cuz you screw up too much and you got Champaign coming down hard on you. basically the breed and family and Drake refrigerated merge together they operate on your Drake especially on the supervalu account..now I'm not too sure on your old Clarksville refrigerated lines whether or not Tim Ludwig is overseeing all of KL breeden's safety operations or not.. but good luck hope it works out
    TruckerPete1990 Thanks this.
  9. TruckerPete1990

    TruckerPete1990 Road Train Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Bentonville Arkansas
    Long as they keep me busy which i've been very busy and pay me what im owed. Ill be happy :p If not ill just sell my truck and move back to company work where ill end up with less stress and same amount of money lol
  10. TruckerPete1990

    TruckerPete1990 Road Train Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Bentonville Arkansas
    First pay statement. We didn't do to bad for only 1464 miles(Didn't get to work till Wednesday(Really Thursday only drove 200 miles on Wednesday) $374 of the Deduction's was a advance for a lumper.(They pay for it) Capture.PNG
  11. me myself and I

    me myself and I Heavy Load Member

    Oct 5, 2009
    vernon hills,Il
    Do you dead head back to AR, or they reload you?
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