Lock down the fifth wheel plate?

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by Redcat, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. Redcat

    Redcat Bobtail Member

    Aug 29, 2013
    Hey guys,
    I'm looking for the best way to lock down the fifth wheel plate when I'm pulling my end dump. The previous owner cut a length of wear iron and slid it under the leading edge of the plate. It's a real simple set up but tough to change back to free plate work and leaves a lot of movement in the hitch. A lot of clunk clunk during shifting and speed changes.
    Any ideas?
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  3. Bulldog power

    Bulldog power Light Load Member

    Feb 3, 2013
    I welded extensions on my slider then welded 2 pieces of pipe to both of them... Then another piece of pipe on the bottom of the 5th wheel plate. Then got a piece of round stock and welded a handle on one end and drilled a hole on the other for a clip to hold it in. Line up the fifth wheel and slide it in to lock it and pull it out when u pull a framed trailer. Then I just U-bolted a piece of PVC on my catwalk to hold the round stock when I'm not using it. Kinda hard to explain but I hope u see what I'm getting at. Hope this helps


    This isn't mine but its pretty much how mine is done
  4. baha

    baha Road Train Member

    Jul 25, 2013
    CK your adj. then go from welding to spacers
  5. Redcat

    Redcat Bobtail Member

    Aug 29, 2013
    That looks just right. Stops both forward and backward slop. Thanks for your time.
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