Lone mountain info

Discussion in 'Trucker Taxes and Truck Financing' started by gimacen, Aug 3, 2021.

  1. gimacen

    gimacen Bobtail Member

    Mar 25, 2018
    I'm in the last stage of getting approved to purchase a loan mountain truck. I've got all my ducks in a row, and I feel confident. I've never heard of anyone getting their truck repossessed or not getting their title for self inflicted reasons (namely failure to make payments). This is not something I'm worried about happening, but I just like to see every possible angle just to be safe. I am confident, after completing a Schneider lease purchase, lone mountain will be no problem. Has anyone had this happen to them? Or is this not a problem for anyone because lone mountain truly works with you to get their payments? I'm not asking about maintainence, I know sometimes their used trucks have issues, I only want to know about having to turn the truck in without finishing your lease, and why it happened.
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  3. baha

    baha Road Train Member

    Jul 25, 2013
    What type of co. are you going to lease your new to you truck on at, if they are paying % or mi. makes a big difference in the money you will get each week?
  4. gimacen

    gimacen Bobtail Member

    Mar 25, 2018
    Landstar. We already run with them and know how much money we can make and are very content with it so I'm not worried about making payments. Thw truck we are returning to Schneider costs almost double per month than the one we are going to get into. This is just me having an idea of what happens in the worst case scenario
    baha Thanks this.
  5. flood

    flood Road Train Member

    Dec 25, 2010
    Lone mountain WILL pop you truck if your late.... not a day or 2 but after 7-10 days....

    remember your payment it auto draft and it hits your account 1st thing in the morning so if you move money to that account at say 10:00 that day to cover it guess what... your payment bounced....

    If something happens be productive and call them BEFORE they call you....

    Last year (Jan 2020) I broke my ankle (work related) I called and told them what happened, sent them a copy from the ER. They changed my payment 21 days out to give me time to get my disability checks rolling, and kicked the next one to the backside.... they'll work with you IF you let them know what's going on...

    I friend broke down for 5 weeks (dpf on National back order] they worked with him
  6. gimacen

    gimacen Bobtail Member

    Mar 25, 2018
    Sorry about your ankle! I'm glad they worked with you, good to know.
    flood Thanks this.
  7. gimacen

    gimacen Bobtail Member

    Mar 25, 2018
    Was there any kind of penalty fee when they pushed it back for you?
  8. baha

    baha Road Train Member

    Jul 25, 2013
    If they allow you to take the truck to get it put on a near/by Dino, and have the the ECM. printed out to where you can look at it after they ck the truck out you have picked out, then all seems good, but there are a lot of trucks for sale now?
  9. flood

    flood Road Train Member

    Dec 25, 2010
    they tell to have a dyno done.. you even have to sign a waiver if you don't want too... they give you 48hrs to have it checked anywhere you want
  10. flood

    flood Road Train Member

    Dec 25, 2010
    $50 to change my payment date.
    Speed_Drums, gimacen and baha Thank this.
  11. gimacen

    gimacen Bobtail Member

    Mar 25, 2018
    Our sales rep says theyve been having a steady stream, their website inventory is constantly saying low to no new trucks because they're coming and going so fast. They get new T680s and W900s once a month and he says by the end of the next day all the T680s will have holds on them and by the end of the week so will app the W900s. (I'm not sure if he means just the Tifton location weve been working with, or if this is consistent with all the locations). Maybe this is a dumb question, but do you think we should still get a dyno even tho we are gonna get one of the brand new straight from the manufacturer trucks?
    Jarhed1964 Thanks this.
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