Looking for smaller company

Discussion in 'Seek Employment' started by snake445, Nov 13, 2024.

  1. snake445

    snake445 Bobtail Member

    Sep 18, 2019
    Well, I have been looking recently and decided to post here for the first time. Little about myself; My wife rides with me and I have a little dog. I was leased to Mercer for 5 years and just recently parked my truck earlier this year, Got tired of the 180$+ Shop rates with poor mechanics. I have been driving since 2007 solid, no long gaps in employment. I used to live up in Massachusetts but my father recently sold the house last year and my plan was to stay in my truck for a bit and find a nice place to live. That did not work out to well. Still looking and looking for a company to drive for now. I did a small 3 month test at Hurricane Express (What a joke...) and now I am working at a stepdeck company. I have hauled Stepdeck, Flatbed, Van, Reefer, Tanker. Worked local in the northeast for years. Yes, I have a clean record, NO accidents. NO tickets and no drug issues.

    What I am looking for is a smaller company that has nice equipment, Like New T680's or even the new Volvos... I am currently sitting in a 389 glider with a 18speed. All I drove was long hood trucks but now I live out here so I am looking for a truck with more room.
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  3. Espressolane

    Espressolane Road Train Member

    Nov 21, 2009
    Just south of the north 40
    Where would you want to consider home location?
    TX2Day Thanks this.
  4. Trish383

    Trish383 Bobtail Member

    Apr 16, 2024
    Mc van kampen,grand rapids mi, about 150 trucks, good people
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