Well I screwed myself this time. Had troubles logging in a few weeks back and had sent in for a new pin to update my MCS 150. Then had to wait to get a hard copy of my license since I had to renew it.
Thought I would be fine since I updated it every year instead of every other year. Turns out they dont care about the every year but only the Bi. Got busy and was gonna just knock it out when I did my plates this month at the same time.
Now the website is screwed up and you have to send in a Ticket on the FMCSA website with the documents. I read it can take 5 business days to get it back up but nothing on the FMCSA website on time frame. Anyone have to deal with this? I am kicking myself in the ### for this one. Can't believe I managed to screw this up.
MCS-150 Bi-Annual Update Missed Oops
Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by Siinman, Dec 7, 2024.
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Just get it done and keep on trucking in the mean time. You’re not the first person and won’t be the last.
Its important to not mess up obviously. But, there are much worse things to overlook then the MCS-150.Jed2009, W923, Accidental Trucker and 7 others Thank this. -
Kinda funny if you update your info on your own it doesn’t reset the clock sort of speak.
W923, Siinman, nikmirbre and 1 other person Thank this. -
took my truck off the road last year in July. Decided I didn't need to pay for my 2290 since the truck wasn't going to be worked for awhile, since I run out of money.
Well I still want to keep my authority active and my irp/ifta active, I totally forgot I needed the 2290 to renew my plates !
Went to file it last minute , of course the irs is closed from mid December to mid January. Wasn't able to have it accepted by the government until mid January. now my IRP is overdue since i cant renew without it, and then on top of that I got charged for 6 month of late fees by the irs as well as 6 months interest... turned a $550 payment into over a $1700 f up.
When I filed this year I realized you can claim an "exemption" if truck is worked for less than 5k miles or whatever the threshold is... doesn't even cost any money but you still get all the paperwork so you can renew plates..
Yeah I am a grade A dumb ### -
I always did it yearly just to make sure I wouldn't forget. You're right though. They could care less how many times you do it but it better be every other year no matter what method you choose. I would certainly keep running as normal but get it squared away ASAP before they fine and/or revoke. If you remedy the situation as soon as you get your password letter you'll have no issues.
Con707904, ElmerFudpucker and Siinman Thank this.
It looks like they may have changed the process. I always logged in from Safer and did it that way. It looks like now they want you to use something called, "Ask FMCSA", fax or snail mail.
https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/registration/updating-your-registration#biennial-updatesLast edited: Dec 7, 2024
Siinman Thanks this. -
Gov't agencys create all these hoops in the hope you will F it up so they can fine you . My take anyhow.
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