My Experience with school

Discussion in 'CR England' started by Cloudyday, Apr 18, 2011.

  1. Cloudyday

    Cloudyday Bobtail Member

    Apr 18, 2011
    Allentown, Pa
    I would like give some newbies my experience with C.R.E. I applied, talked to recruiter, was accepted and bused to burns harbor school in May of 2007. 40 people started around 17 finished with A CDL. All that did not complete were because of drug test/background check/Failed CDL test (3 Times).

    Things I did not like about School/hotel.

    1. Recruiter said meals were covered.
    2. Greyhound ride was awful.
    3. Backing yard was a dust pit. (not the case anymore)
    4. My driving instructor was a drill sergeant.
    5. I was taught just enough to pass CDL test. no more/no less.
    6. There were no restaurants or stores close to hotel.

    Things I liked about the school/hotel.

    1. When all was said and done I was sitting in the hotel with a valid CDL and waiting for my phase 1 trainer. And that what this was all about anyway, right?
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  3. bluedee

    bluedee Bobtail Member

    May 26, 2011
    Northern California
    Has it gotten better? Am thinking of starting in Mira Loma, CA next month. I don't want to be making a HUGE mistake with this, it IS the rest of my life and a secret lifelong dream of mine. I'm 45 years old, and not gettin gany younger! Don't want to throw it all away!
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