My FFE experience
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by wpmclam, Feb 12, 2010.
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I really would appreciate any comments, i don't want to make a bad choice
Kind of late in the game to be worried about that now...
Well you can expect to be lied to.
There is a fuel nazi who will tell you how HE, not the drivers, saved alot of money for the company.
You can expect bad food, off the roach coach, but hey the drinks are pretty good price out of the machine.
Think that covers it. -
I really hope you put more time and consideration into your pretrips and planning than you did in suddenly deciding to learn about the company you are scheduled to go to orientation for
I agree with lonewolf. I just quit from there on sunday. No miles and no money. that about sums it up!!!
Better yet RUUUUNNNNNNN while you still can!!!!
so let me see if I can put all that I've learned from the forum into a response. Any company I apply to, if they are more than a medium sized carrier, is going to screw me over no matter what, give me no miles, never get me home, and generally be a waste of time. Am I correct?
dixiedeadlight and themysticoak Thank this. -
No. Some companies are better than others, but committing to orientation on monday and asking about the company late friday is a little after the fact. Stating you don't want to make a mistake in a choice. The choice was made when you committed to going to orientation. At this point they have already made arrangements for you to be there. The time to ask questions was before you applied to the company.
I haven't worked for FFE but been to orientation before for othe carriers I can assume death by power point slides
JiujitsuTrucker Thanks this.
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