My Sammons experience

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by WMGUY, Apr 13, 2012.

  1. WMGUY

    WMGUY Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2011
    Nine Mile Falls, WA
    I start at sammons on Monday 4/16/12

    i will update this at least every couple days since there doesn't seem to be a lot of info on here about them.

    So far everyone i have talked to their has been great and answered all my questions and got me the info i was looking for and recent settlement copies and such.

    I really like the no negative settlements and salary built into the expenses. being able to pick your own loads and find your own customers is also a plus..

    as for the Pete in my Sig 2 engines in a little over a year as put a hurting on me and really made it that i will never own a Detroit again, either way i am excited about this new venture
    TDriver4Life, hup and HwyPrsnr Thank this.
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  3. lonehound

    lonehound Light Load Member

    Nov 15, 2009
    deep woods, maine
    good luck to you. hope it works out for ya!! keep us posted when you can. be safe out there.
  4. WMGUY

    WMGUY Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2011
    Nine Mile Falls, WA
    Day 1 of orientation went well. First thing this morning I picked out my truck, and took a road test, its a 08 Volvo 730 with a cummins 450 HP and 13 speed. Truck as a fridge freezer and set up for shore power and also as the ICON system. I don't know much about the ICON system but i will research it and learn.

    They gave me and my wife a lunch voucher for the Forest Lounge that is across the street and the food was delicious. After lunch i watched 4 videos and did some paper work and that was it for the day. Tomorrow i am suppose to meet every department 1 on 1 and get an understanding for what they do in the company and when i need to call them for what.

    They put me up in the Days Inn off of exit 96 nice clean hotel. so far all is good

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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2012
    hup Thanks this.
  5. Avi8er

    Avi8er Light Load Member

    Feb 20, 2012
    Nice looking truck hope all works out well for you, and I will be interested in learning how it all works out.:biggrin_25525:
    Semper Fidelis
    NWMAXI Thanks this.
  6. 1catfish

    1catfish Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    good luck driver,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    NWMAXI Thanks this.
  7. kidus

    kidus Bobtail Member

    Dec 15, 2011
    midland, mi
    Good luck and thanks for the up date
    NWMAXI Thanks this.
  8. WMGUY

    WMGUY Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2011
    Nine Mile Falls, WA
    Day 2 i got to meet every department in a one on one setting and get all my questions answered, i also signed the contract on the truck as well as the authority contract. Got assigned a 2012 Fontane 53' step and all the securment equipment. Had to have a few things fixed on the trailer and i am already to roll in the morning,

    They paid me $100 for orientation and my lunch, hotel cont. breakfast, and dinner is on me. they also give a sign on bonus depending on your psp and mvr.

    Also today i got to download thier load board software so i can see what loads are availible and also got an account for internet truck stop.

    lots to learn and soak up but the last 2 days have been really good and am looking forward to getting loaded and making some money
    hup Thanks this.
  9. platinum

    platinum Road Train Member

    Aug 18, 2010
    Fort Worth, Texas
    Good luck I heard great things about them.
    NWMAXI Thanks this.
  10. freebirdrfd

    freebirdrfd Light Load Member

    Oct 8, 2011
    Raynham Ma
    Hope it all works out for you
    NWMAXI Thanks this.
  11. SLCTrucker

    SLCTrucker Medium Load Member

    Jan 15, 2009
    Salt Lake City UT
    I have friends hauling for them, so far I have heard nothing negative...
    NWMAXI Thanks this.
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