When I first obtained my CDL I very much considered going to work for this company. But after reading all the negative posts on here and looking on there website I came to the conclusion that I should steer clear of them. They seem like they are a very crooked outfit. Any company that tries to get drivers that are fresh out of school and inexperienced to lease a truck is not one that I would want to work for. If you lease you, the driver, are responsible for the fuel, the truck payments, the insurance, the maintenance, and all the other expenses. Not the company. If your truck breaks down, not only do you lose money, your spending money to get it fixed. Also, if the wheels on that truck aren't turning, you don't make a dime! Right now is not a good time to be a lease or owner operator because of the high price of fuel and lack of freight due to the poor economy. You are much better off being a company driver. I would recommend going to Werner, Swift, Schneider, or any other company that is willing to hire recent graduates. They may not be the best but they do not try to con people into their lease program. Avoid this company at all costs!
My take on CR England
Discussion in 'CR England' started by jemack1, Nov 26, 2010.
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I don't get it jemack1, You are now recommending Werner?
Did you not read that before quoting him? He says at the end of that post
I have had my CDL for three years. My point is that Werner doesn't try to con you into a lease program. While they aren't all that great, they don't try to con you into a lease program like CR England does. I basically had a choice between those two companies and I felt that Werner was "the lesser of the two evils." When you're a recent graduate, your options are limited.
carrot top Thanks this.
Was starting to worry the CRE posts had stopped.
To answer you question, no I have never worked/leased with CRE. I have no desire to lease a truck whatsoever. However, it seems like an outfit that tries to push inexperienced drivers into leasing a truck is one that I would avoid.
What they do is make it incredibly easy for the naive, ignorant and down right stupid to get into a lease. The result, a lot of people fail because they have no idea what it takes to be successful in thier own business, much less how to be successful as a truck driver.chompi Thanks this.
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