No brake lights but all other lights work

Discussion in 'Mack Forum' started by bigmackva, Sep 24, 2024.

  1. bigmackva

    bigmackva Bobtail Member

    Sep 24, 2024
    I have a 2003 MACK CH600/613. When pre-tripping my truck this morning, I noticed the brake lights would not work at all, even when pulling down the Johnny-Bar. All fuses are good. Has anyone ever ran into this? Do you know where the brake light switch is located? I know there are 3 switches above the brake pedal and accelerator pedal but I don't think those are the brake light switch. Any help would be appreciated.

    Also-the hazard, turn signal and running lights al work as designed.
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  3. WitchingHour

    WitchingHour Road Train Member

    Apr 1, 2011
    Broomfield, CO
    Haven’t worked in a CH in forever. so I could be way off or it may not be an exclusive layout, but I believe those had them attached directly to the treadle valve. If they are, it’ll be a disc shaped dingus with two wires secured to it.

    Also, try swapping your brake lamp relay for a matching relay and see if that changes anything.

    And remember, science has not discovered a cure for disco fever.
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