Please tell me jbs doesn't have a dash cam trying to get all info before starting this career
no cam please
Discussion in 'JBS Trucking' started by Truckin2Eat, Jul 3, 2013.
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They have it in some trucks. Testing it out but I'm sure it will be in all trucks soon. I don't have a problem with them. I don't have one yet, but if I do. It will just make me a better driver.
The dash cam can protect you in a lawsuit. It can save your job when some clown says you caused a wreck, when the clown actually caused the wreck.
Dinomite Thanks this. -
I hate for someone to hear everything Im saying or viewing my privacy I have read some threads about Cam facing drivers that part really don't make sense to me though
I know of a case recently where a guy said a city bus rear ended him & it looked like he was telling the truth. The bus has a dash cam which clearly showed him cut in front of the bus and hit his brakes. On another bus, some guy was laying in the aisle screaming for a doctor because he said the bus driver jerked the bus and made him fall. The bus has cameras inside & clearly showed the guy get on the floor without falling. The police arrested the guy & he's banned for life from city buses because he had done this several times in the past, but this time a camera got him.
There are probably a few thousand truckers with something on their MVR or DAC for something they didn't do where a dash cam would have shown they are innocent.EV87 and mustang970 Thank this. -
Dash cams only relay what its recorded when you have an incident, and if you don't like being recorded don't ever talk on the phone or go out in public.
I'm saying Dimonite that's different the way I'm thinking from reading the post are like for example how u would u feel if state troopers wanted cameras in regular vehicles
Just saying you have the right to work for who you want to. Or starve and or live off government assistance. Job's are jobs. Companies have to protect there assets. I hear a lot of fuel companies and even some of the food distributors have those camera's and there's no shortage of food at the restaurants or gas at the filling stations. So somebody will do the job.
Truth is, the cams JBS uses are not just dash cams watching the road, they watch inside the cab as well. After they were first put in some truckers for testing, I ran into a driver at the terminal that said he might be getting fired. I asked him what he did and he said "I was eating a snack while driving." He then told me he had one of the new cams in his truck and they were watching him as he drove. About 30min after talking to him, they asked him to go into the back with her (Becky). 5min after that, he returned and said he was fired. Don't be fooled, the cams are not your friends and it really says something about a company that feels it must watch its drivers.
And one more thing, people make mistakes, that's just life. In this business, you just have try to stay away from the mistakes that hurt people, damage your truck or the freight. New drivers, make more, bigger mistakes and that is understandable, your new. With that said, do you really want a camera watching you by a company that has no problem firing someone for eating a snack?
Over the last year, JBS has seemed to favor hiring new drivers rather then veterans, so I tell all you new guys out there, stay away from companies that use cams. Your job history, your DAC and your lively hood depend on it.
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