Non-CDL expediter looking for work.

Discussion in 'Seek Employment' started by AmboyRoy, Dec 6, 2024.

  1. AmboyRoy

    AmboyRoy Bobtail Member

    Dec 6, 2024
    Lubbock, TX
    I'm currently looking for an expedite driving job, 15+ years experience in the industry (started in 2003). Looking for a sprinter van to drive (open to a non-cdl hotshot). Clean driving record, no criminal history. Able to pass drug screen, DOT physical, and background check. Looking to get back on the road asap. Would prefer working for a small mom & pop outfit. Able to stay out at least 4 weeks, before taking a few days off. Can take days off anywhere. Minimum 60%, if I'm paying for fuel. Email: backroads66 (at)
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