North Dakota oil feilds

Discussion in 'Oilfield Trucking Forum' started by gary3558, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. gary3558

    gary3558 Bobtail Member

    Aug 6, 2012
    • Really how is it driving for the oil fields
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  3. Dryver

    Dryver Road Train Member

    Nov 30, 2008
    Sioux Falls, SD
    Do a 'search' on oilfields, lots of info around here, you won't find it on the Bad Company Board.
  4. Harold196

    Harold196 Light Load Member

    Dec 19, 2009
    I live in North Dakota, The answer to your question is.... unless you actually work on the Oil Rigs or work for Hailaburton... its not what is advertised... There is an extreammily high cost of living there in the ND Oil Patch.. if you can find an apartment its going to cost you between $ 2,500 and $ 3,000 a month..if you have a camper, its going to cost you about $450 a week with NO Hook-ups.. Camp grounds with Hook-ups are charging by the head.. and averaging over $2,500 a month also... There are also Man camps, the last i heard , they are going for $75.00 a nite time 7 equals $ 525.00 a week.. thats a 6X8 room with a bed and small closet and desk.. showers and bath rooms are shared..
    Wages.. a driver averages $18.00 to $23.00 Per Hour..
    Truck Owner with a Side dump or belly dump trailer $ 105.00 Per Hour, NO Fuel Surcharge !
    Truck Owner and rent a tanker trailer , $ 145.00 Per Hour, Tanker Rent $ 35.00 Per Hour and NO Fuel Surcharge.. To get paid the companies will charge the Owner 5 percent of their invoices off the top or wait 120 days for the oil company to get around to writing you a check..
    Mean time you have racked up a $100,000 dollar Plus.. fuel and expence bill...for the Month..

    I hope that this helps ya... if you do decide to go... make #### sure that you have a place to stay.. and forget about hotels/motels... they are booked up for the next year.. unless you may want to drive 120 plus miles each way to work everyday...
  5. flightwatch

    flightwatch Road Train Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    Somewhere in Texas
    Sounds Perfect!! Where do I sign up?!?!

    Gotta love that misleading advertising. It's just like the trailer signs: L/O's make $175,000+ the 1st year!!
    whoopNride Thanks this.
  6. GetZapt

    GetZapt Bobtail Member

    Aug 11, 2012
    Tioga ND
    There are O/O living in truck and making 175k up here. Most companies will provide housing some nice some not. Just get it guaranteed before moving and know what it is. Money is made with the time and a half O/T at 60 -70 a week.

    WRIGHTRACING Heavy Load Member

    Jan 3, 2011
    Iuka MS/Muscle Shoals AL
    There is definitely money to be made up there. You don't have to live there. You can fly back and forth and still make a good living. Some companies pay for flights as well. I averaged about $3500 for 2 weeks, and stayed home 2 weeks. I worked for a buddy and stayed in his camper. When his wife came in, I just stayed in the truck. Pulled a water tanker and hauled salt and fresh water. Worked for a friend and we had conflicting personalities. So I went back OTR.
  8. Hooda

    Hooda Light Load Member

    Jun 28, 2012
    Rockville, Minnesota
    I've been trying to get out there with a decent outfit for the last year or so, and by all accounts, if it ain't with Halliburton, it's a waste of time. If somebody knew how to get out there, I'd love to hear about it. I know my status says student, but I've had my CDL for 25 years. Problem is, I haven't driven since 1995. I have a current DOT healthcard, and will have hazmat/tanker endorsements by next week.

    WRIGHTRACING Heavy Load Member

    Jan 3, 2011
    Iuka MS/Muscle Shoals AL
    Do a Google search for jobs in Williston ND. Go from there. If you need more info after trying that, then PM me. Be glad to help. Williston is the main city up there. It isn't a big city, but its the center of everything.
  10. FCW9

    FCW9 Light Load Member

    Jun 12, 2012
    Baldwisnville, NY

    I think you're going to be sadly mistaken if you think you'll have your full hazmat done by next week. The fact that you haven't driven since 95 shows in that statement. You're looking at 3-8 weeks just for the required FBI background check to be completed. I wish you the best of luck though.
    Hooda Thanks this.
  11. Gripempire

    Gripempire Bobtail Member

    Aug 26, 2012
    I've heard a lot of good stories about the oil fields opportunities , looks like the camper prices are a bit too high for just parking , but still might be worth checking out

    If I can make 3700 in a few weeks it would be def worth the struggle of living in a small space
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