NY HUT Question

Discussion in 'Trucker Taxes and Truck Financing' started by Davehrose1, Jul 4, 2024.

  1. Davehrose1

    Davehrose1 Bobtail Member

    Feb 3, 2024
    Do I still file NY HUT as NY was an included state on my IFTA return. I did 1996 miles in NY, the majority of it was on the thruway and my IFTA return gave them $130. From what I've read it seems that NY HUT is for roads other than the Thruway. If so how does 1 keep track of that especially if your non thruway mileage is minimal. I apologize if this is a stupid question but this is my first time filing

    Thank You
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  3. wis bang

    wis bang Road Train Member

    Jan 12, 2011
    Levittown, PA
    NY does monitor the IFTA receipts looking for NY mileage reported without a HUT filing AND it takes a while before you get a bill for their guess of the HUT that you owe based on the most costly class.

    My last company I walked into a mess where they had not renewed the HUT stickers which run for a 3 year cycle and we were coming up on needing the NEW stickers...you need to be up to date to renew!

    This bill shows up for close to three grand.

    After finding the right person in Albany; I dug out and computed all the missing miles, by quarter, and filed them at the lowest cost class "Unladen weight method".

    I filed the missing quarters and reduced the bill over 50%.

    This wasn't my first run at doing a carrier's HUT and I was taught by an old timer who was audited by New York where he told about unladen weight being the cheapest and we had 3 box trucks doing 50% of the miles in the city and long island for an extra reduction.

    Doing the HUT report you are asked for the total NY miles reported to IFTA and how many Thruway miles and you will have to pay the HUT on the remaining NY miles which may not be a lot for each quarter.

    Once you get setup thru their 'OSCAR' system you can get logged into the NYTAX online and it is pretty easy BUT if you don't already have a HUT account you might have to file on paper like I did a dozen years ago.
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