Permian basin fuel hauling

Discussion in 'Oilfield Trucking Forum' started by HiramKingWilliams, Jan 5, 2025.

  1. HiramKingWilliams

    HiramKingWilliams Heavy Load Member

    May 15, 2019
    State of Jefferson
    So, I’ve been out here a few months now. Excited to be back in fuel is an understatement. I should’ve never left fuel hauling, but we all make mistakes l. Anyhow, I’m doing 100% oilfield. Mostly dyed diesel, with some clear deisel and we do LNG too.

    The equipment is absolutely trashed. But it’s the oilfield. Paid by the load, $300-800 per day. Average is $2500-3000 weekly on a 6-day workweek. That’s as a company driver with full benefits and free housing at a mancamp.

    All in all, I’m loving it. I can’t sustain it long-term and knew that going in. It’s a means to an end, for me.
    77fib77, plant, Gilbyson and 4 others Thank this.
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  3. JonJon78

    JonJon78 Road Train Member

    Jul 1, 2018
    How is living in a mancamp? How many people live there? Sounds like your making some good money though!!!
    austinmike Thanks this.
  4. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    How much prev fuel experience is required?

    With LNG -- how much prev experience is required for that?

    How long is each "shift"....before any time off?

    How many days is there for time off?

    What benefits (401-k, health ins, etc) come with that sort of pay?

    -- L
  5. RockinChair

    RockinChair Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    CC, TX
    I'm glad everything's working out for you. Would you mind sharing who you work for?
    austinmike Thanks this.
  6. HiramKingWilliams

    HiramKingWilliams Heavy Load Member

    May 15, 2019
    State of Jefferson
    It’s about 25 trailers. 2 units per trailer, which are tiny rooms with a closet, both with separate entrances. Each trailer has a common area with a kitchen and bathroom.
    77fib77, austinmike and JonJon78 Thank this.
  7. HiramKingWilliams

    HiramKingWilliams Heavy Load Member

    May 15, 2019
    State of Jefferson
    No previous fuel experience is currently required at this company.

    No previous LNG experience is required. They train you and they pay for the Texas LNG testing through the railroad commission.

    6 on, 1 off. I’m not sure of the minimum time you have to work before taking home time. I think the maximum home time is 3 or 4 weeks.

    Full benefits - Medical, Dental, Vision, etc. They’re not cheap though, especially if you’ve a family. And I believe there’s no company match on the 401k contributions.
    austinmike and lual Thank this.
  8. RockinChair

    RockinChair Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    CC, TX
    Texas intrastate HOS?
    77fib77 Thanks this.
  9. Wolfenslade

    Wolfenslade Bobtail Member

    Jul 9, 2024
    What's the company?
  10. Lazer

    Lazer Road Train Member

    Jan 22, 2017
    Sounds like Rolfson Oil. Maybe Pilot Thomas.
    There are so many newcomers hauling fuel in the Permian the past 5 years or so, I can’t keep up. A decade ago, I could count them all on one hand. Now it’s both hands, and 1/2 my toes.
    77fib77 and austinmike Thank this.
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