ive got a 379 pete the other night my cab lights started flashing they stay on for a min and then next thing you no there off they dont stay on long every time they go off i hear somthing click in the fuse compartment area is there a relay for them everything else is fine just the cab lights
peterbilt light problems
Discussion in 'Trucks [ Eighteen Wheelers ]' started by bean farms, Oct 19, 2011.
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Could ne the relay, or u may have a breaker in place of a fuse. Looks like a fuse but a lil bigger. Usually grey. It is either just getting old a weak or u have a short somewhere. U can get them at peteerbilt or probably other places. Try puting a fuse in its place and if it blows u have a short. Should b marked as clearance lites.
yup if u have a clicking in the fuse box then the relay is clicking. try moving a spare one to the spot and see if that stops the lights goin out. if it does u can leave the new one in the spot. just make sure they r the same amps. u should have some spares in the fuse box.
My driver just went in to Peterbilt in Springfield, MO with the same problem but it also affected his top trailer lights and some on the rear. It was one of the silver fuses and I think it was just loose a little. The service manager came out and bent the ends a little and that fixed the problem WITH NO CHARGE. I talked with the service manager on the phone and he said to tell the driver to stop in and he would take a look at it and he did and did not charge anything. You don`t have that happen very often at a dealership.
blade and 07-379Pete Thank this. -
thanks guys ill check my relays and such im hopein it ant a short
well guys still have problems with my cab lights coming on and goin off i found that they have one relay and a breaker in the fuse box put them in new and nothin took the dash apart behind the switch pannel and they was a relay there so i put a new one in its place and once again no change do you all think maybe it could be the switch or a short were would be a good place to start looking for a short there is no clearance lights on my trailer so i wouldnt think that it would be in the trailer what yall think
Bean Farms, did you figure this out?? I'm having the same exact problem.
Check the wiring harness at the rear of the truck. A lot of the time it will wear through at the leveling valve area or on the rear cross member.
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