Peterbilt Switches

Discussion in 'Peterbilt Forum' started by johnnyd28, Jan 22, 2025.

  1. johnnyd28

    johnnyd28 Bobtail Member

    Jan 22, 2025
    I am having a hard time with my local dealership trying to located a switch for my truck. My truck is a 2025 Peterbilt 567. I am trying to figure out why I pull out the switches from the dash the have a 6252 number but when the dealer pulls up the diagram from my vin it has all 6253 switches and are to big and the plugs in the back are different and won't connect. The switch I am looking for is a P27-6252-061-01 but I am told that switch has been discontinued. On google there is a few places that i can order them but I am worried that they are actually wrong because they have no picture of them.
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  3. RustyBolt

    RustyBolt Road Train Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    Bement, IL
    Ebay has a few results. Most with pics.
    Stay Puft Thanks this.
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