REGEN needed?

Discussion in 'Freightliner Forum' started by Badbard, Dec 22, 2024.

  1. Badbard

    Badbard Bobtail Member

    Nov 13, 2024
    I have a 2021 Cascadia. My company did a def Delete. And as far as I’m aware that usually means removing the DPF. My truck Soot tacker got full and went straight red and told me to pull over and REGEN. I regened but it doesn’t lower and still says to pull over to REGEN. It’s late so my company wouldn’t tell me what to do. Can I just keep running?
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  3. Arctic_fox

    Arctic_fox Experienced mx13 execrator

    Sep 16, 2016
    Being that its been deleted we cant help much here due to forum rules. What i can say is that it sounds like you got a crap delete and that your basically boned till your company can help. And from the sound of it....that trucks not going anywhere until someone who is willing to take the risk can figure out how to correctly mod it or it gets undeleted.
    Ssgtkevin, QUALITYTRUCK and Goodysnap Thank this.
  4. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    The DPF is a different system than the SCR (DEF) system. There are so many hacks out there doing deletes for all we know some clown could have uploaded a flash file that's screwing everything up. A lot of those "tuners" are idiots and cause more issues than they solve.
    Ssgtkevin, QUALITYTRUCK and flood Thank this.
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