Roll Off Suggestions

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by reeeooo, Dec 4, 2017.

  1. reeeooo

    reeeooo Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2017
    Looking to buy used roll off for 40cy open tops. I have no experience with these trucks so I need to know what to look for. Best engine, hoist vs hook, etc.
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  3. cmrdev

    cmrdev Medium Load Member

    Oct 13, 2017
    If you just hauling mainly garbage, any 10 liter would be plenty of power. If you buying rolloff for construction and hauling equipment, dirt, etc. I would go with 12 liter. As far as hook vs cable, You will be easily able to snatch heavier loads off the ground with a cable, and you are gonna have some nice long rails out the back. With the hook lift, it would be nice to have because you wont have the rails out the back and is much nicer to have so the dang rails aren't stratch out over the tongue of the trailer
  4. street beater

    street beater Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2014
    cold as hell, MN
    Hook v cable has more to do with what your hauling, and where your dropping the cans.
  5. reeeooo

    reeeooo Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2017
    thanks for the info. if the tag on the door states gvwr of 12k front, intermediate of 20k and rear of 20k - you add these together for the total rated capacity for truck, contents and frame cargo, correct?
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