Rolloff trucks?

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by happyukranian, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. happyukranian

    happyukranian Bobtail Member

    Apr 6, 2014
    I've been driving rolloff for the last 14 years,6 years before that driving various other garbage trucks. I want to know what guys think makes the best rolloff truck. My experience is primarily with 02-05 volvos and late model macks. And hands down the volvos exceed the macks in all aspects. Driver comfort. Turning radius. Ride quality. Reliability. Not here to bash trucks just wondering what other people's experiences have been.
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  3. allis327

    allis327 Light Load Member

    Aug 26, 2011
    Melrose mn
    We have a Freightshaker with a Galfab body. The truck is a wore out piece junk, everything is falling a part even the Business Class emblem is falling off the dash.
  4. WitchingHour

    WitchingHour Road Train Member

    Apr 1, 2011
    Broomfield, CO
    I'm partial to the RD series Macks for just about any vocational application. Other than that, I think the Kenworth T800 is a good all-around platform, both for single vehicles and combinations.
    One thing I did like about the Sterling AT series is that they have very spacious daycabs. Other than that, I think they're pieces of ####.
    Only Volvo VHD I ever ran was a dump truck. The Ford L9000 has been pretty decent to me. I liked the Kenworth T440, as well, although that wasn't a roll-off.
    cabwrecker Thanks this.
  5. poppapump1332

    poppapump1332 Road Train Member

    Jan 2, 2010
    We have a 2000 pete with a cat in it where i work best roll off we have.we have some macks they suck and newer petes with cummins there pretty good also
  6. GmanInCali

    GmanInCali Bobtail Member

    Sep 8, 2013
    X's 2 on better turning and comfort in Volvo & Autocar vs Macks.
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