Well, I left SNI after almost two years - won't really say anything bad since there wasn't anything. Great company to start with and learn. Only thing I would say is the new Workflow system, but it's getting worked out slowly. Just as anything new there will be bugs and issues.
Anyone considering SNI, ask or PM me with questions, I'll try to answer the best I can. I did a dedicated route, team, regional route and OTR with schneider. Had a few different trucks, three Century's ('06-07) and a 2010 Cascadia, automatic and 10 speed. If you get a automatic, don't complain, there's a lot of positives to having one.
American Central Transport (ACT) - well, it was a big step and commitment but so far so good. Only did orientation and one load thus far, so really can't tell you anything yet but from talking to a few people on here it seems like a good, smaller (around 300 trucks) company.
First load, (pretty sure lease drivers usually don't run this load but since I got out of orientation and loads were slow because of holiday they put me on it) - that's what I think at least... Loaded in KC on Friday afternoon and had to deliver on Monday noon in Albany, NY - nice slow run - plenty of time, not too heavy (61k total). Ran between 58-61mph and averaged around 9mpg (truck said 9.2, QC said 9). No load today, Monday, but was told to start heading towards Columbus, OH and will get preplan in the morning.
Running empty at 65-68mph thru the hills of NY and PA, I averaged 8.9mpg over 500 miles - these KW's are amazing!
I'll try to update this thread couple times a week but I'm not going to post my every move unless you want to know specifics.
Keep on trucking!![]()
Schneider to ACT - yes, another ACT thread :)
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by BlackLions, May 28, 2012.
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Good luck brother, wish you all the best!
ACT sounds like a good company with one of the better lease deals in the industry.BlackLions Thanks this. -
Thanks! -
Glad you're hooked up BlackLions.You started at a kind of sucky week,but after last week and this week you should start getting along just fine.Sound's like you like you're truck,and that makes a big difference,not having to drive junk to make good money.Good Luck!
Anyone flash at you at night since they think you have your high beams on??These HID's are great if you're sitting on this end
Couple people flashed their highs couple nights ago, I flashed back...they shut up. -
Yeah I get it to. Even had a few yell at me on the cb when I told them that was low beams but I could show them the high beams if they wanted I didn't get any takers though. LOL. It especially happens on two way roads. These lights suck to get hit in the face with but I sure love having them. How many of you have been tempted to turn the darn things off when some shiny trailer cuts you off and you get blinded by your own lights lol.
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