Hey just curious if anyone on here hauls septic waste? I have done a ton of research and Google says that a gallon of septic waste is the same as a gallon of water (8.34 lbs). I truly find this hard to believe. Does anyone have real world numbers from crossing scales with a tanker or septic truck? Thanks.
Septic Waste
Discussion in 'Tanker, Bulk and Dump Trucking Forum' started by AriGab, Jan 11, 2025.
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That weight is okay for liquid , sludge and build-up are little heavier ( paper , cooking oil , etc ) . If its bobtail tanker not a big issue , but the stuff you get from a sewage plant is ususally a mass of sludge with a heavier weight.
wis bang, broke down plumber and AriGab Thank this. -
broke down plumber Thanks this.
Lav-25 Thanks this.
Lav-25 Thanks this.
Paid the bills , smelled awful but paid above average. Back in 91broke down plumber Thanks this. -
Lav-25 Thanks this.
Wasn't a bad gig , worst part was the smell and clogs, but had bennys and not that hard. Easy to learn and do and not many people screwed with you. ( wonder why ??
Hahahaha . )broke down plumber Thanks this. -
Never out of a septic tank, hauled plenty of waste water In tanks and sludge in dump trailers though, absolutely sucks, especially in the winter
Lav-25 and broke down plumber Thank this.
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