Stan's Inc., Alpena, SD

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by MrEd, Jul 2, 2013.

  1. MrEd

    MrEd Road Train Member

    Sep 2, 2011
    Winfred, SD
    Hello. Does anyone know anything about this company. I applied there a couple years ago, and pretty much liked what they told me at the interview. But I was offered a local job at the time, and wife and kids wanted me to try the local job. When I returned to trucking I didn't call Stans back. Went with another carrier. Just wondering if I skipped a good job, and should call them. Thanks for any info anyone may have.
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  3. Oscar the KW

    Oscar the KW Going Tarpless

    May 19, 2011
    About the only thing I know about them is they haul alot for Jack Links. I have never heard anything bad about them, or good for that matter. They seem to be one of those carriers that people know of them, but never talk about them.
    Lonesome Thanks this.
  4. fuzzeymateo

    fuzzeymateo Heavy Load Member

    May 20, 2013
    A friend of mine has worked there for a few years. He seems to be very happy with them. They do haul a lot of Jack Links. It seems like he runs down into Texas a lot and then back up north.
    Intothesunset Thanks this.
  5. Screwed again

    Screwed again Bobtail Member

    May 19, 2015
    This company is going overboard. Was good once. Save yourself the trouble. Starting the illegal overnight hurry hurry hurry crap. Three days to load and one to get there.
    Intothesunset Thanks this.
  6. Trucker's Wife in Texas

    Trucker's Wife in Texas Bobtail Member

    Jun 11, 2017
    Hmmmm. guess not anymore (if indeed was done in the past)--they run elogs.
    Intothesunset Thanks this.
  7. cat17

    cat17 Bobtail Member

    Jan 11, 2018
    Only now they run e-logs. Look when that was posted. New management. Today they have several Mexican drivers that earn .36 cpm. Currently they are weeding out drivers who have been working there awhile due to pay scale. It is reversed discrimination. Management is recruiting drivers from PTL working them approximately 6 months then reducing the miles forcing them out as well. This is Joey the managers way of screwing his old company. It is a recruitment gimmick but they use your life to play the game. Understand ?
    JForce28, Intothesunset and bzinger Thank this.
  8. bzinger

    bzinger Road Train Member

    Dec 10, 2014
    omaha , ne
    Hmmm used to hear good things about stans .
    Intothesunset Thanks this.
  9. cat17

    cat17 Bobtail Member

    Jan 11, 2018
    The Old Stans's was great. HR said they will be closing in 2019. Mike the son is all about profit letting loyalties go to ####. This is the reason they are selling. ( I don't know ). Jbs and some others have been interested. Pretty sure it's Van Wyk buying them.
    Intothesunset Thanks this.
  10. bzinger

    bzinger Road Train Member

    Dec 10, 2014
    omaha , ne
    Van wyk huh thanks !
    Intothesunset Thanks this.
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