2018 389 I have no tail lights or brake lights and know what caused it. The trailer had a short which caused the lights to quit. Is there something in the computer that has to be reset or what? I checked all fuses.
Tail lights and brake lights
Discussion in 'Peterbilt Forum' started by Z800xp, Dec 14, 2024.
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I don't have any information specific to your truck.
Unplug your trailer pigtail. Cycle the truck to key on and off. The tractor circuit breakers might reset.
Good luckDiesel Dave Thanks this. -
There is no resets in the CECU for lighting. The only circuit protection is the fuses. Most lighting fuses are in the PDC under the hood.
Diesel Dave, xsetra and blairandgretchen Thank this. -
Thank you. Forgot about the fuses under the hood.
Goodysnap Thanks this. -
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