Teams at JCT and Lease Purchase

Discussion in 'John Christner' started by Patti123, Dec 2, 2017.

  1. Patti123

    Patti123 Bobtail Member

    Dec 2, 2017
    We are thinking of changing to JCT from CR England two months. My husband and I run team. I wanna hear from team drivers. How many miles per week do you average? They offered us $1.01 cpm , is it split between us? Is the truck payment shared between the drivers, or do each of us make a payment (double pymts). How much does your truck cost you? How much CPM do you average a week? Thanks
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  3. dptrucker

    dptrucker Road Train Member

    May 14, 2012
    @scottied67 he drives for them I beleive. But he is a solo driver. He might answer your questions
  4. arrogant steve

    arrogant steve Medium Load Member

    Mar 31, 2016
    East Texas
    The pay(cpm), is paid to truck. You split that however you like. One of you will sign contract and will receive settlements.
    miss elvee Thanks this.
  5. arrogant steve

    arrogant steve Medium Load Member

    Mar 31, 2016
    East Texas
    There is a JCT thread on here that will provide much info.
  6. Patti123

    Patti123 Bobtail Member

    Dec 2, 2017
    Thanks so much guys! Spoke with a team driver last night and cannot wait to join the company
  7. arrogant steve

    arrogant steve Medium Load Member

    Mar 31, 2016
    East Texas
    Teams are treated very good here at JCT. Probably because they need us to repower,(rescue), loads from solo’s often. I am half of a married team here. We have been here about 2 yrs and have been treated well. The company has a “family” type of atmosphere and you are treated thusly, unless you have a problem with otd deliveries. Then of course you will be treated as the proverbial redheaded step child. But that’s anywhere. We have been in a new Truck since 4/16 and are on pace to pay it off in another 18-22 months. We go home when we want and have never missed are hometime date. We stay out 7-8 weeks and then go home for 2 weeks. We avg 5500 miles per week and around 45-50 cpm paid to us after all bills, minus taxes. You won’t get rich here, but can make good money while quickly paying off Truck. Overall we’ve had a very good experience here and plan to stay at least until Truck is paid off.
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