Thinking about a company position

Discussion in 'Anderson' started by Cathauler-93, Jul 6, 2020.

  1. Cathauler-93

    Cathauler-93 Bobtail Member

    Jan 30, 2020
    Looking into the possibility of a company position flatbed/specialized. Wondering how the pay and home time is for some guys that have been there for awhile.
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  3. Aamcotrans

    Aamcotrans Road Train Member

    May 24, 2016
    Strasburg, Va
    Home time is always dependent on where you live and the companies location and terminals.
    I’m home every Friday and leave Monday, I clear a grand a week doing flats, step, and a few oversized
  4. gntorres61

    gntorres61 Road Train Member

    Aug 17, 2013
    Plymouth NC
    Fremont Contract Carriers in Fremont NE does flatbed. 56cpm (I think). Very driver friendly company. I pull van for them so don't know all the specifics for flatbed. Important to know where you live (hiring zone and hometime). Been voted top 20 fleets to drive for 10 of last 12 years including 2020.

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