Discussion in 'Flatbed Trucking Forum' started by pavrom, Aug 23, 2024.

  1. pavrom

    pavrom Road Train Member

    Apr 29, 2012
    NE illinois
    can it be canceled after the issuance?
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  3. xsetra

    xsetra Road Train Member

    Aug 21, 2011
    If you have TONU awarded and not paid. With email or text to prove it.
    I would file on their bond.
    pavrom Thanks this.
  4. Iamoverit

    Iamoverit Heavy Load Member

    Oct 31, 2023
    Why are you letting another company tell you how to run yours? Your policies are your own. Mine was written with verbiage that required TONU due if cancelled anytime after signed rate con.
    MACK E-6 and Flat Earth Trucker Thank this.
  5. TheLoadOut

    TheLoadOut Road Train Member

    Nov 6, 2019
    Do you write this in somewhere on the rate con? Have they ever come back and said no deal? Or do you think they don't even look when you send it back?
  6. Iamoverit

    Iamoverit Heavy Load Member

    Oct 31, 2023
    Usually copy/pasted it when signing but not all brokers require sign rate cons. In those cases I just emailed a copy and them write something back saying they agreed.

    In todays market I'm sure many brokers will decline the Policy and find a dope that hauls without one unless they REALLY need it loaded ASAP.

    I had a couple that signed my blanket policy and they kept it on file. Had detention rate by itself on file with TQL so they knew ahead of time not to even call me unless they were ready to pay the base rate from the start.

    I've probably maybe hauled 3-4 loads over 5 years without it and I regretted it every single time. I've left shippers over too much "free" waiting as well over the years.

    Getting a confirmation in writing is paramount. Surprises are not welcome so I've always broached the subject via phone beforehand. I would never spring it on them otherwise. It has too much potential to waste everones time if not.

    I've filed many bond claims over the years. One was as low as like 35 dollars just for general principle. It's not always about the money. Most of the time it's about honoring your word and avoiding theft of services situations.
    MACK E-6 and TheLoadOut Thank this.
  7. Luwi67

    Luwi67 Heavy Load Member

    Oct 24, 2012
    Long island
    You can't file on a a bond for tonu.

    I had a rate con from One Horn in Arizona where I made the broker add a $500 tonu to it. He even circled it in red. Sure enough I called the shipper to touch base and they told me they moved that load. Called the broker and he made a big stink about it and said he couldn't pay it because he couldn't charge the shipper for a load I did not do. I reminded him that he owes me the money not the shipper. After a bunch of back and forth I said to him "suit yourself" and reported it to with all the documentation. They sided with me and posted it on their rating. Shortly after that I was getting call after call from One Horn management to take down the complaint. I told them it will come down when that $500 clears my bank. Those ######## even threatened me that if i didn't take it down they would never do business with me again, I laughed and said the first load you book with me turns into a ####show and if you think I would do another one your ####ing crazy.

    I also called collections at OOIDA and Jane told me that they couldn't file on the bond for tonu, I forget the reason why. She told me that tonu is a show of good faith by the broker and not enforceable if they don't pay it.

    On a side note I just got paid $400 tonu last week from Mode, guess the are a Much higher quality broker. I never even left the house too.
    CAXPT and beastr123 Thank this.
  8. Iamoverit

    Iamoverit Heavy Load Member

    Oct 31, 2023
    I've filed many of bond claims over accessorials. You either misunderstood what OOIDA told you or whoever you were talking to was new. It's no longer a "good faith" gesture when it's agreed to in writing. I've even been paid for detention based off the broker agreeing in an email. It wasn't even on the rate con. Bond claim got me paid.

    Not paying everything on an invoice (short paying) is 100 percent claimable. I've had one insurance company tell me the FMCSA doesn't require accessorials to be paid on claims but he couldn't provide me with said documentation.

    A few hours later I had a remittance in my email box for the accessorials the broker short paid me on.

    That was the only time an insurance company even mentioned it to me out of all the times I've had to file.

    I will file a claim in a heartbeat. A single day after due date and I start the process. I've never had an insurance company pay a claim because they usually contact the broker and urge them to pay.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2024
    CAXPT and pavrom Thank this.
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