Solve a mystery for me please people. My current insurance broker is telling me that I must carry liability coverage on all my trailers (they are owned by me) to the tune of approx $2,000 each. However, when I got a quote from Progressive last summer, the broker told me that trailers did not need to have liability on them as they were considered part of the towing vehicle. What say you guys? Do you all have pink slips for the trailer?
trailer insurance
Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by rank, Jan 24, 2025.
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Never heard of that. Just that the trailer is listed with all the vehicles under the policy.
86scotty, rank, Oxbow and 1 other person Thank this. -
Every policy I've ever had on anything, including the commercial Trucking policy, covers towed trailers for liability.
You need a new insurance broker.wis bang, rank, Opendeckin and 2 others Thank this. -
My policy has an additional “Non-Owned” trailer for a slight amount. Around a couple of hundred IIRC.
Could be a NY thing?
Get another opinion from a different agency.rank Thanks this. -
I think @brian991219 may be able to shed some light on this.
rank Thanks this. -
Oxbow Thanks this.
I don't have any experience with commercial trailers but I suspect it might vary by province.
I ran into this several years ago, have the answer.
If attached to your tractor, it is covered by the policy covering the truck.
But if you un-hook, drop the trailer, it is no longer covered by that policy.
Say you left a trailer to be loaded, and for some reason it was involved in an accident, you are not covered. They could say you dropped in wrong area, causing it to get struck.
This was my situation, sounds like yours also. I simply added ' any un-attached, owned trailer ' for several hundred bucks.rank Thanks this. -
rank Thanks this.
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