Trans Am Still

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Cranky Yankee, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. Cranky Yankee

    Cranky Yankee Cranky old ######

    Jan 31, 2012
    Green Bay Wi
    Well we have met our quota of posts good and bad
    fore and against the company
    just a few drivers working there helping each other
    to navigate rough waters
    also a few ex drivers to show there is life after Trans AM

    a few wives, Queens and Kings

    sumthin for everybody

    except a gf for one unnamed someone :biggrin_25523:
    oliver2, passport220, jungHo and 2 others Thank this.
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  3. .honeybadger.

    .honeybadger. Road Train Member

    Sep 30, 2012
    So the other day Paul sent out a message on the satellite polling to find out how many drivers had smart phones. Anyone else think TransAm might be copying a few other carriers and possibly looking to develop a smart phone app? I think that would be nifty.

    I'm also quite relieved they will be processing payroll on Thursday. I'd like to be able to have the money to take the kids out this weekend.

    I deliver tomorrow in Ocoee, FL. HT is scheduled for Thurs. My DM is gonna try to keep me busy til then but can't promise anything. She has a list of people to keep busy for a few days and has more people to do things than things to do. I have faith in her. Already have a PP after HT. Looks like a two pick load that I will bet goes to Duncan, OK or one of the Dollar stores. I've picked up at both places before. First pick is Sterilite in B-ham and second pick is a little place in Marion. Public Label something or other. Small place, light load, very nice people.
  4. Cranky Yankee

    Cranky Yankee Cranky old ######

    Jan 31, 2012
    Green Bay Wi
    hey HB of course Leasing never answered or called back
    I am not very important as an ex driver
    do you have a direct email addy to anyone in there?
  5. .honeybadger.

    .honeybadger. Road Train Member

    Sep 30, 2012
    I dont. But don't all the emails work the same of first initial and last name at I've directly emailed quite a few people like that and it's my default way to get a hold of my DM when I'm driving lol. I will orally compose an email and send it without having to stop and play with the satellite. I can't remember Brittany ' s last name. I will see if I can dig up a good email contact though. Hope you left a message. I have only had them answer once but usually leave a message and get a response later that day or the next day depending on urgency.
  6. Panhandle flash

    Panhandle flash Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2008
    Oklahoma City
    No matter what HTQ says, your a good man Cranky for starting this new thread. Didn't know you were looking for a girlfriend. Patty doesn't mind??? LOL
    HometimeQueen Thanks this.
  7. Cranky Yankee

    Cranky Yankee Cranky old ######

    Jan 31, 2012
    Green Bay Wi
    well the IRS is denying all the business expenses until I get them better documentation.............sigh
    they think i got $20000 to pay them lol
  8. HometimeQueen

    HometimeQueen Road Train Member

    May 7, 2012
    Am I fashionably late to the party? :biggrin_2559:

    Ahem .....about that girlfriend situation, I may have to turn it over to my mother. She has always been a matchmaker, several successful marriages even. Nobody has threatened to kill her yet anyway, so I guess they have been successful. :biggrin_2554:

    Pete, do you have an attorney? Even your CPA......have them send TransAm a registered letter requesting the information. It might get a better response. Or call the IRS and tell them you are getting no response from TransAm. It used to be that they would take down all of the details and then send them a nasty letter giving them x amount of days to comply. That normally will do the trick.
  9. jungHo

    jungHo Medium Load Member

    Feb 21, 2014
    Everyone present & accounted for? Good job, CY, with the new thread. Should we all give him a shout out? Hip, hip......hooray! I know. I'm so old school!! So I'm back in NC and my very energetic grandsons came with me. Their mom (my oldest daughter) and their 2 sisters (11 & 12 yrs old) are leaving in the morning for TN (church camo) for the rest of the week. The boys are staying with me until Thursday, 6 & 7 year olds. Then back to VA to stay with their other grandma.

    Be safe and happy, Everyone!!
  10. wulfman75

    wulfman75 Road Train Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    Athens, GA
    Up in Milwaukee watching the storms come in and out of the area. :)

    Hope everyone is staying safe out there.
  11. Cranky Yankee

    Cranky Yankee Cranky old ######

    Jan 31, 2012
    Green Bay Wi
    storms putting on quite a show in Columbus WI
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