Two birds w/one stone?

Discussion in 'Tanker, Bulk and Dump Trucking Forum' started by Mr. Busybody!, Dec 12, 2024.

  1. Mr. Busybody!

    Mr. Busybody! Bobtail Member

    May 12, 2024
    Lawton Okla.
    I have installed a new wet kit on my 04 KW W900L to run end dumps but may at times change to a Pneumatic bulk trailer. I have heard people say that I could run a blower motor off a hyd. wet line kit, instead of shaft driven, the blower motor somehow could be set up to run off hydraulic fluid pressure. Ive run blowers a lot and never heard of any blower motor that ran off hydraulic pressure. Anyone out there seen this or know anything about it? 20240723_181521.jpg
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  3. Arctic_fox

    Arctic_fox Experienced mx13 execrator

    Sep 16, 2016
  4. wis bang

    wis bang Road Train Member

    Jan 12, 2011
    Levittown, PA
    Over the years I had one ex. dump guy who decided to use his hydraulics for pump/compressor and after time and a lot of effort was successful.

    I'm away long enough that I'm not sure on a Hydro pack's ability to run a blower.

    I did have a heil vacuum trailer with wet line driven vacuum pump and the tractor had to be full throttle to really make it work.

    Power take off drives still run a lot of blowers because bulk carriers are cheap; how costly would a fast hydraulic drive for a blower cost?

    Matlack had Wilson Equipment self-propelled transfer machines that used hydraulics to move, deploy stabilizers and operate a 'pot' on a boom suspended over the dry bulker dome lid where it would vacuum the pot full and sense the weight to interrupt the vacuum and gravity drop the contents.

    It was driven by a 4 cyl cummins driving the hydraulic similar to a big rig air compressor mounted on the side of the block BUT had a rockwell clutch with the flywheel driving 6 matched belts to drive the blower....a BIG blower using 6" lines to fill that suspended pot from the railcar.
  5. RockinChair

    RockinChair Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    CC, TX
    As long as the motor produces enough torque to start and run the blower you should be OK. I bet SW Pneumatic / SE Pneumatic has experience with such a setup.
  6. Mr. Busybody!

    Mr. Busybody! Bobtail Member

    May 12, 2024
    Lawton Okla.
    Thank you. When I 1rst bought this it did have a blower on it, sold that and started pulling this end dump. My blower was well cared for but always had problems with the seals where the shaft goes in...leaky thing. Thought I might look for somethin different. Im familiar with walkin floor trailers. Thanks for proddin me in the right direction.
  7. Mr. Busybody!

    Mr. Busybody! Bobtail Member

    May 12, 2024
    Lawton Okla.
    Ive gotta C15 550 cat with a 13 speed that does that and more I think. Now I know It,s possible I will keep at it. Thank you for the come back driver.
    RockinChair Thanks this.
  8. Mr. Busybody!

    Mr. Busybody! Bobtail Member

    May 12, 2024
    Lawton Okla.
    Right now Ive got just one line from the hyd. tank to the pump, accross the pump to the one disscharge line outta the pump to the end dumps cylinder...but there is room for another line. Saw a system on Google that showed something like what you mean, had to have a cooler to keep the hyd.s from overheating but its worth all that. People say hydraulic fluid driven instead of shaft driven has a longer life outta these blowers. Appreciate all your reponces drivers, now I know it can be done I will start talking to some shops about this.
    wis bang Thanks this.
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