I'm currently driving a 2006 Volvo 670 with 468000, they trade by 500000, so won't be long a pretty good truck with plenty of room. I was told I'd be in this truck for 2-3 months then another, they have mostly Pete 386's, KWT660, and some newer 670s so I'll wait until then. I leave tonight with my first load to IL. Be safe out there.
Van Wyk Inc.
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Mattaponi Guard, Jun 28, 2010.
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You definitly found a good company to work for..If it weren't for me moving back to Tx from Va Beach theres no doubt in my mind I would still be there. Decent miles, great pay and hometime. Couldn't ask for more from a driving job. Most of my issues were solved immediately by whomever I brought it up to. Congrats on getting the job many would give their right arm to have.
I must say this is a top shelf company...kinda strict on there logs and loading/leaving procedures (such as seal records and stuff like that) but man the equipment plus the amount of freight and the extra pay such as getting a bonus EVERY TWO WEEKS for keeping your idle and overspeed is unbelievable.. And with 1300 mi long hauls (even tho were not getting paid cpm) you just set her on cruise for a day and just ride... I have an 08 386 pete that rides smooth but have a couple of problems just gotta report it but trust me this is an GREAT COMPANY..
And Matt.. just hold on bro, you might end up getting a Pete soon as you get out there, but if not, even tho i had Volvo's, its not a bad truck at all...Well be safe, we probably end up crossing paths sooner or later.. -
You guys are really making me wish they hired out of Oklahoma. Lol. That's alright though. Hope your first load is going well.
well I finished up my first week ALONE, man what a difference, the trip planning, directions, and yes the driving, overall good but still adjusting. Had my orientation on Thursday past alot of info but all good, they are going in the direction of E-Logs which some don't like but hey, the the future. Hawk my 06 Volvo is history got assigned an 07 Pete 386 a different truck for sure. Got in last night after a 34 reset in Indy, partially my mistake but it's a learning curve. Will call for my next load, no problems with this company they treat you decent. Be safe.
The Challenger and Montgomery Thank this. -
I made the mistake of leaving them a couple years ago, wish I had stayed. Percentage pay, good on some loads, bad on others, get a chance, haul the multiple stop shrink wrap loads, pays great.
Your right, soy milk out of Mt. Crawford to the midwest doesn't pay much but the meat loads back east sure do. I have a load scheduled for tomorrow out of Front Royal to Norton Ma. heard it pays well. So you can pick loads sometimes, since it is not forced despatch, but it can be a crap shoot. I heard of those shrink wrap loads they're usually taken, also the Reynolds loads of plastic pay real well, but usually spoken for. Be safe.
i just got finished my first week with them and it payed real well!!! but i just got in from running all week since early monday morning.. I did two loads back and forth between front royal and new york... i'm pretty sure its going to be a decent week.... i thought i might had met you two weeks ago when i had to swap loads with a guy who's volvo had broken down in the Quad Cities area of Iowa and Illinois but he said he had been driving for 10 years it was just his first day with the company.. well stay safe bro i'm pretty sure we'll cross paths soon, i gotta head to Albany out of Front Royal Sunday, I'm in Trk 637 so again if you see me just wave a hand..
hawk no I wasn't broke down. I'm in 627 and doing well, I too had an Albany load as well as Norton load this week, home now until Monday. All seems to going well with company, I just finished my second week solo and other than getting used to the log book all went well, even with the NY/NJ traffic, I'll be going there again next week, life's good. Be safe.
The Challenger and Montgomery Thank this. -
Well one month down solo. We run alot northeast, with some brokered loads, man what a pain getting that truck into Philly! We also run out west mid -west I should say. So my thought's so far.....there really is alot to learn, plus they have me cross training for e-logs which will be implimented in Nov. easy to learn not as much to remember but, it really holds your feet to the fire, it will log 5 min. for a pee break unlike the usual 15 on line 4, so you got to watch your time, plus the machine will let you know when you have 30 min. of driving time left so you better be looking for a spot to park, good luck, it seems that every rest area and truck stop is full by 7pm?, so maybe an off ramp. Something else this week no shower, I guess in the northeast you don't need one at least in MA. CT. and RI. I'm still getting used to driving at night, what a different world that is especially when it rains, can't wait for the snow! In short the company is good by most standards, equip. etc. and while I get paid percentage my check averages $700 per week for 4 leads, which is an average of 2000+ miles, so not bad I guess, plus I'm usually home for most of the weekend every week, no I'm not complaining, I know some guys run their the #####*s off for less? On more thing finally goy a wireless headset for the phone, big difference, next purchase Sirius. Be safe!
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