Van Wyk Inc.
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Mattaponi Guard, Jun 28, 2010.
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Hey guys, I was kinda killing some time when I ran across this thread and figured I would throw my two cents in. I have been here for a little over four years, and I am really happy here. I am dispatched out of Sheldon so I am usually running all over the #### place. For you guys in the Virginia yard, you have a very good guy to work for in Cory, can't say a bad thing about the guy. Yeah, he gets kind of cranky sometimes but that just comes with the territory. If you start talking Chicago Cubs baseball or Minnesota Vikings football yo u are set! I agree that we get some crap loads out of there but he will make up for it with a good load when he can. About 2 months ago I made deliveries into Sysco in Harrisonburg for two weeks straight and then had to pull loads to Costco in Morris, IL out of White Wave there in Mount Crawford. On the third week I dropped off my loaded trailer up at Front Royal and he bounced me to Cargil in Dayton, VA to take a load of turkey out to Longmont, CO which paid nice!!!! I saw that you were talking about the Reynolds loads in previous posts, and yes, we would almost come to blows fighting for those loads because they paid so good. They still pay well but we had to take a rate cut when the economy went in the toilet. I saw somebody on here is in 637, which is actually my old Pete. Man. I have had some adventures in that truck for sure! As of this week, I will be a driver/trainer which will be a new adventure. For now I am in a KW #716, but that I will change come the end of this week when I go to Sheldon to get my Volvo. Kinda stinks that I am going back into one, but I don't intend on sharing my bed with a trainee so I will need that second bunk. If you guys have any questions hit me up on here or PM me and I can get you my e-mail address. Take it easy guys and I'll catch ya on the flip flop!
It's me who's currently in 637 and let me say, if you installed that CD deck, man i love you!! (no homo) hell i'll buy you lunch if i see you anywhere seriously!! I think i might have caught you some time last week cause i remember seeing 716 somewhere over here... but i have yet to grab one of these infamous Reynolds load, i want one tho!!
Were you at Front Royal on Tuesday? For some reason I think I remember seeing you there when I rolled in. No, I didn't put the CD player, it must have been the guy who took over the truck after I moved out. I have my own head unit that I put in my trucks since it is a Sirius satellite receiver and it also has auxillary inputs for my iPod, not leaving that little gem behind for no one! A couple of weeks ago Leah offered me a Reynolds load with 5 stops between Indianapolis & Portland, OR. Man it killed me to decline that! The one weekend I actually have to be home and I get offered that, sheesh!
FalseMirage Thanks this. -
Anyone know Cory's e-mail address, I'd love to touch base with him again, shouldn't have left there in 07. Ya'll be safe and have fun out there.
yeah i stayed at Front Royal Monday night into Tuesday and pulled out around Tuesday afternoon to Albany.. I think that's when it was.. But yeah i love that CD player, wit the AUX jack and all, them crappy factory are POS!!! And i've only been there a month so odds are sooner than later i'll get a Reynolds load, i will run anywhere they tell me to i'm not one of those diva types who dont want to run the northeast so i shall see!!
I ended up going to Warners, up by Syracuse that night which isn't all that bad. I kinda like doing those RDC loads when I am out there. Make a couple of extra hundred bucks before I reload back to the Midwest. Usually in the non-snow months I am stuck running running up and down the East Coast, but once the snow starts flying out West I'll be doing regular runs to Seattle and Portland again. It seems like everyone wants to go to the Northwest in the late Spring, Summer & early Fall but once there is a chance of snow up on the passes, those guys are nowhere to be found. Oh well, I would much rather go out there than deal with anything East of Indiana. I guess you scored the jackpot by getting that new receiver! Either the last driver forgot to take it out or the other one pooped out and the shop put a new one in. The stock radio was out of the dash within 5 minutes when I got the truck brand new and I had that Pete up until 225,000 miles.
Well I just got back yesterday, last night really with a load from Sioux Falls, SD. and Minn. MN. dropping at Front Royal, was pushing it as my 70 was about out, got back to the yard in Waynesboro with 20 minutes to spare! No not a bad company but when out west they do run you hard. Had a Hospers to load to pick up so I deadheaded from Omaha to Hospers, droppedthe empty picked the load up to take to Sioux City to relay with another guy who was also short on hours to relay to another guy to take to Chicago, man what alot of running that was for little or nothing. They at times don't seem to know what's going on or so I was told by someone in dispatch, hopefully they get their act together. I'm not crazy about the northeast loads but they seem more organized, I think it's Waynesboro as a Sheldon driver told me that he get's a better deal when running out of either Waynesboro or Kansas then in Sheldon? Oh well home for a day or so and then back out so I can be home for the holiday. Take care and be safe.
Well I'm still at it. Ready to start my 8th., (where does the time go?) week and really no complaints except all the #### deadheading avg. 200 mi. a week! Pay is decent for a newbie and I'm home every week so I guess I can't complain but still adjusting to the lifestyle. I purchased a Sirius radio yesterday so hopefully this will help since I feel like I've been in a bubble since I started. They run me mostly northeast with the occasional western run, so all is good, better than unemployment! Be safe.
Are you allowed to take your truck home? The Great Bend terminal is about 140 miles from me?
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