I wanted to share for any one interested what information I have gathered so far about Venture. Venture is a smaller dry van company based out of Indianapolis, IN. They have 400 trucks as of now but are growing and hope to be at 500 by October. They have terminals in Indianapolis-IN, Lafayette-IN, Chicago-IL, Laredo-TX, Duncan-SC, Edison-NJ, and Los Angles-CA.
The orientation process is a day and a half filling out paperwork and meeting department supervisors. If you have experience then they give you a truck and a load and you get to it (as I've seen, maybe less experience you have more to do). New hires will do the same day and half orientation but then will spend the rest of the week doing 300 dock bumps. You'll be givin a tractor and a trailer and you'll do these at your own pace at the terminal. Do not skip the harder ones. Now's the time to take your time and learn the mechanics. Is it fun....not really but the first time you get out with your trainer you'll be glad you did them.
After those are complete and your left knee is screaming at youyou will go out with a local driver. The time spent with them will vary on your skills and what you have been hired on for. After that if your going regional or long-haul you will go out with a regional/long-haul driver for 3 weeks (maybe less). Lastly you will do a driving test with a FM and if they feel your good then let the good times roll.
At this point this is about all the info I can think of off hand. I can say the overall vibe here is great. Drivers are always helping out other drivers and I guarantee you that you will not meet a nicer owner.
Any questions tho please ask. If I don't know the answer then I can check. Heck it maybe be something I never thought to ask.
Venture Logistics, Indianapolis
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Colorato, Jun 17, 2011.
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Hope this all works out for you...good luck.
Colorato Thanks this. -
Thanks. Tomorrow I am doing a team run down to Laredo, TX and back. If all goes well then I'll get my truck when I get back.
I was looking into a local position with Venture out of Duncan SC. and after speaking with Mr. Betts am very interested in working for them.I do have a question , have you any idea of the pay scale there as I haven't been able to talk with anyone about an hourly or mileage rate for local drivers. By the way good luck,hope everything turns out well for you.
Unfortunately I do not. I have heard of people starting anywhere from 30-40 cents per mile. I don't know of any hourly drivers. -
Thanks Coloato, I will see the Duncan Terminal manager Monday and find out. I am really hoping this wil be a place to stay for a long while as everyone has seemed very polite and down to earth.
Got back home last night. Got a good nights sleep then went down to the terminal to test out. Passed my test and got a truck. Been cleaning it most the day and getting my stuff in it. Head out Sunday to deliver my first solo load.
Gears Thanks this. -
Congratulations and continued best wishes.
Looking forward to hearing about your 1st run
seeing some pictures of your truck!!!!!!! -
I do have a question tho. I put one of those window cling (Bart) in the passenger side vent window. Is that gonna cause me any issues with DOT?
Last edited: Jun 25, 2011
I don't think I'd worry about it.
Nice looking truck! Those Columbias sure are some workhorses!The Challenger and Colorato Thank this.
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