Volvo Antenna

Discussion in 'CB Radio Forum' started by mike5511, Sep 15, 2023.

  1. mike5511

    mike5511 Road Train Member

    May 15, 2011
    NW Arkansas
    Started a new thread so as not to hijack SnailExpress' thread. 98 Volvo semi. No bonding as of yet. Just mounted to the side of the sleeper. Rg 213 from antenna to under the bunk (to amp, not installed at this time) currently, a barrel connector to Rg 8X up to dash/radio. There is a barrel spring mounted that is not shown in pic. It gets out better than the factory stuff on the new trucks and I've used it like this for a year. One pic is with 4.5' SkipShooter that I'm using, the one with the better numbers is 102" steel whip, just for reference. I'm hoping some bonding will improve things. What say the experts?

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    Last edited: Sep 16, 2023
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  3. Night Stalker10

    Night Stalker10 Road Train Member

    Jun 26, 2017
    Since you used the word experts, I've debated with myself for about the last six hours if I should even reply... Ha. Looks like I may not be alone.
    It's interesting that the numbers on both antennas are about the same. The reactance and RL numbers aren't good. I think after you do some bonding, they should improve. Hopefully you can post back after the bonding is done, with the new results.
    Was the RG 213 already installed in the truck when you bought it? I guess the reason I'm asking, is if it were me (and I wanted the best antenna system I could get), I would just run LMR-240 coax from antenna to amp, and amp to radio. I think you would have better results rather than mixing coaxes. Of course some may argue that it doesn't matter, and they could be right.
  4. mike5511

    mike5511 Road Train Member

    May 15, 2011
    NW Arkansas
    Seriously, as many years as I've been in the hobby, my technical knowledge is not that advanced. So I consider many here experts compared to me!! I need ideas here, reasons causes, what to try. The whole antenna system was installed by me. I've done many over the years. Never had an analyzer to play with though. I've got many feet of rg 213g, but it was too big to run where I wanted to run it so, the rg 8x came into play. I was hoping rg213 to the amp, then rg8x to the radio would work out. Maybe not. Here is a pic with the analyzer hooked to the rg 213 only. I can't remember which antenna I had screwed on when I took the below pic...

    Attached Files:

  5. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    I don’t get why is anyone using 213 at all, most of the installs with amps are well under 1kw that rg8x is rated for or using lmr 240 if you are nervous. I’ve run 1kw/2kw peak with rg8x for a while at the old shack and never had issues.

    get rid of the barrel connector, run a single piece of coax, bond the panel that the antenna is mounted to and see what the numbers are.
    mike5511 Thanks this.
  6. Night Stalker10

    Night Stalker10 Road Train Member

    Jun 26, 2017
    That's okay I'm basically the same as you. I started out with CB radio in the 70's eventually got into ham radio. I've learned a lot over the years, and I have a lot more to learn.
    The antenna analyzer is a great tool to own. If you notice the impedance and resistance of the antenna is around 33 ohms. This is really a normal reading for a mobile antenna. According to the REAL experts, the impedance of a mobile antenna is around 25 to 36 ohms. Since your radio and coax are 50 ohms, the SWR should be around 1.5, which the meter shows. Quick math ... 50 divided by 33 = 1.52, as you can see your antenna system is fine. By that I mean your radio will be happy, but the efficiency of the antennas performance could be better. That's where the Reactance and Return Loss (RL) come into play, which should be improved with the bonding. In a perfect world, you want zero reactance and RL close to 30 on your analyzer. Of course these numbers are for a single frequency. They will naturally get worse as you get away from the resonant frequency.
    So basically using RG213 coax in a mobile install won't gain you much in performance, over using RG 8x. Since we're talking 20 feet of coax or less, RG 8x is just fine for the CB band. I hope this makes sense.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2023
    mike5511 Thanks this.
  7. mike5511

    mike5511 Road Train Member

    May 15, 2011
    NW Arkansas
    (See my comment to Night Stalker below as far as why I used 213) An amp will go in place of the barrel connector when I get it all together. Does that change your opinion about getting rid of the 213? Bonding is planned, just haven't done it yet.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2023
  8. mike5511

    mike5511 Road Train Member

    May 15, 2011
    NW Arkansas
    It does make sense. It's longer than 20' from the radio to the antenna though. I didn't measure it so I don't know exactly. I have a lot more 213 than 8x so I figured by putting an amp inline I could use the 213 to the amp and it wouldn't make much difference. I've always ran 213 on a base station then 8x for jumpers with good success. No theory involved there, just reasoned it should work okay. Remember the amp is under the bunk in the sleeper so I basically have a really long jumper up to the radio on the dash.
  9. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Nope. until you get the amp in place, everything isn't valid. Sorry start with bonding and check with the amp in place.
    mike5511 Thanks this.
  10. mike5511

    mike5511 Road Train Member

    May 15, 2011
    NW Arkansas
    Good advice and that is the plan, thanks!
  11. Night Stalker10

    Night Stalker10 Road Train Member

    Jun 26, 2017
    It's okay if the RG8x is over 20 feet. If you look at the coax charts, the db loss in coax is based on 100 feet. So it really shouldn't be a problem.
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