CRST Contract

Discussion in 'CRST' started by ExOTR, Apr 25, 2020.

  1. G13Tomcat

    G13Tomcat Road Train Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    I have NO skin in this game, whatsoever. I've known a man.. yes, MAN. That went from HOMELESSNESS (in a not so great city...) and BROKENESS... and Cedar Rapids TOOK HIM ON, took him in. I believe he had prior CDL experience..even just a small amount. A 30 y/o guy, down down DOWN on his luck.

    They took him in, fed him, homed him, and ... he is now a trainer. He was NEVER a 'ghetto' person...not by far. More of a 'nerd,' if you will. The IT industry 'rif'd' him. (Reduction in Force'd case ya didn't know.)

    If YOU are an ex CRST employee and got out of it; great for ya. One of the few. They won a lawsuit against J.B. Hunt for 'hunting' their trainees....and it still supercedes.

    More 'current' version; and nope..this isn't a friend of mine... just someone "I know" having driven for 20 plus years. @bzinger can vouch this guy is real...

    On that note; if y'all conquer CRST's contracts, PLEASE let @Chinatown know....

    ExOTR Thanks this.
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  3. G13Tomcat

    G13Tomcat Road Train Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    ^^^ any info w/your peeps?!?!?
  4. ExOTR

    ExOTR Windshield Chipper Extraordinaire

    Jan 23, 2013
    Fort Worth, Tx
    Just wanted to follow up-
    She made it through training in Des Moines and received her CDL, but quit after running a few weeks with her trainer.

    She was recruited under the premise that would be making a minimum of 500/week, and was only making 200-300/week. After coming home for hometime, she decided to not return lol. She is planning to either pursue West Texas oil fields or local work hauling aggregate.

    Once she finds a new job I’ll update this post again
    G13Tomcat Thanks this.
  5. Flgtrisk

    Flgtrisk Bobtail Member

    Apr 23, 2020
    Can’t blame her AT ALL....I just found it I have to pay to scale my loads...then they reimburse in 2 weeks when they pay me :eek::eek::eek: B S...!!!

    This company is a joke. Let me know how they handle the contract issue...I’m VERY curious!!
    G13Tomcat Thanks this.
  6. mover man

    mover man Road Train Member

    Feb 21, 2010
    I get paid by the weight on many of my loads. So I have to scale before and after loading. I have to pay for my own no one reimburses me. But I'm curious, how else would you expect to recieve reimbursement?
  7. Ffx95

    Ffx95 Road Train Member

    May 18, 2017
    It’s BS. It’s not enforceable. I think JB got dinged cause CRST convinced the judge that JB was activity poaching their drivers which is a whole other thing. Non compete contracts can be considered slavery especially with how bad those megas pay. As long as the ex driver is making payments on the loan then CRST can’t do much. I WOULD complete my contract before going around though cause not doing so may make companies assume your not a person to honor agreements. Just a year just tough it out.
    Cat sdp Thanks this.
  8. G13Tomcat

    G13Tomcat Road Train Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    The problem lies within the fact that NOBODY WILL HIRE a person tied up w/ a CRST contract. Don't believe me? Call the recipient of the letter I posted; he is at G.O.E. in Omaha.
    Ffx95 Thanks this.
  9. Oakland Raiders Forever

    Oakland Raiders Forever Medium Load Member

    Feb 24, 2020
    There business plan is so good it must be enforced through law suits.
  10. dieselpowered

    dieselpowered Heavy Load Member

    May 16, 2016
    the issue lies in the driver begin with not reading what they sign

    However the lawsuit to date is against carriers poaching drivers not that non compete itself with a driver cant be voided by a judge because the notion hasn't been challenged
    You get one rich kid who decides run away from home does this sues them and can win because while CRST is a big company there kids parents out there higher wealth than even trump and they all like to act out seems. to be blunt if trump wasn't president there is a group of people who wouldn't even sit at his table because he's too poor for there taste.
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