Hello Gamers.

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Flipper0_0, May 8, 2021.

  1. Flipper0_0

    Flipper0_0 Bobtail Member

    May 8, 2021
    Any fellow gamers in here? Just wanted to know what kinda gaming platform most truckers have I just started out and still on team training so I'm not making that much yet(700/week) but once I'm in my own and save up some money then I gonna get a beefy laptop. Please tell me what is your battle station like in your truck.
    slow.rider Thanks this.
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  3. Hazmat Cat

    Hazmat Cat Medium Load Member

    Oct 18, 2019
  4. Canadianhauler21

    Canadianhauler21 Heavy Load Member

    May 15, 2017
    I have my PlayStation 4 in my truck with a 32 inch television. Although I find that I rarely have time to play it. Usually hotspot off my phone, it's not that bad. If your company runs you good you will most likely be tired during your off time. Although it will be good when you reset on the road.

    It was good in the winter to play parked during snow storms.

    Good luck.
  5. Arctic_fox

    Arctic_fox Experienced mx13 execrator

    Sep 16, 2016
    I mostly use an older alienware i run off my hotspot that doubles as a davie4 tool. Rarely have time to play it though. But i have a small lap desk and will kick back in my bunk with the AC on for my reset. Once a month or so i will buy some hotspot for 24 hours to do all my updates.
  6. Frank Speak

    Frank Speak Road Train Member

    May 3, 2016
    Battle station? Gaming platform?

    Hmmm.... Let’s see...

    - Bat form
    - Cape (for hiding certain “attributes”)
    - The Darkness

    I’m sure I’m missing something, but it’ll be dark soon and I’m preparing for the second round of the Kentuckian Invitational.
  7. Mototom

    Mototom Road Train Member

    May 7, 2019
    Don’t game but do some online courses with my laptop. Tho it’s been getting harder and harder to get my courses in.
    I tend not to waste my 10. School for 2 hours play for 1 sleep for 6-7
  8. Arctic_fox

    Arctic_fox Experienced mx13 execrator

    Sep 16, 2016
    Are you the dude running around the TA truckstop in ####cago screaming "i am batman TOUCH MY BURRITO" while doing aquard hip thrusts that i used a scroll of magic missle on the other day? :p
  9. Frank Speak

    Frank Speak Road Train Member

    May 3, 2016
    No, that’s some looney dude that had the unmitigated gall to ask me if I had an extra cape he could wear. Of all the nerve. He wouldn’t know a Kentuckian from a Floridian.
    JoeyJunk, Wasted Thyme and gentleroger Thank this.
  10. danny23tx

    danny23tx Road Train Member

    Feb 16, 2016
    I have a MSI Apache laptop , it has a 970gtx in it . I have a ps3 that I still fireup lol , at home it's a ps4 and a Gaming PC playing mostly COD and rts games . Its more comfortable playing the consoles in the truck than a gaming laptop , although some of these new trucks have desk setups in them that probably works better .
    NavigatorWife and Flipper0_0 Thank this.
  11. slow.rider

    slow.rider Road Train Member

    Apr 4, 2017
    Got a laptop and a 25 inch monitor. 2 folding tables, one longer and taller than the other so they can overlap. The tables line up lengthwise along either side of my sleeper walkway, and i sit on the edge of the bed. The longer table ison the driver''s side and angles out toward the middle of the aisle, and the monitor gets perched on a box at the far end of it. At the close end of the long table goes my keyboard, for left hand or two hand use. The mouse goes on the smaller table on the passenger side for right hand use, with plenty of space for food or whatever else.

    Disassembly takes maybe 15-20 seconds. The laptop, keyboard and monitor lie on my bunk, the larger folding table flips over and sits unfolded upside down on the bunk, the smaller table folds right up and slides between the legs of the larger table.

    Instead of the windshield curtains, I use six black tee shirts on spinny-top hangars. Much quicker to deploy. Then when the gaming system is retracted onto the bottom bunk, the tee shirts get moved from the windows to hang from the front of the top bunk, forming a black curtain in front of the bottom bunk.
    NavigatorWife and Flipper0_0 Thank this.
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